Office of Admissions
Admission Statuses
Admission is defined as permission to enroll in courses for academic credit. Students can be admitted as degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking. Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to specific majors or academic programs. Graduate applicants may be admitted as new or returning students.
New UHCL Graduate Students:
Graduate students who have never enrolled or have not been enrolled at University of Houston-Clear Lake beyond the census date of any semester are considered new students. Former graduate students returning to enroll in a different graduate program are also considered new.
These students are considered new graduates and must meet the following criteria for New Graduate Students:
Applicants to graduate programs who have not been enrolled at University of Houston-Clear Lake beyond the census date of any semester.
Current UHCL undergraduates, who are completing bachelor’s degrees and will be applying as first-time graduate students. UHCL students in this category are eligible for student scholarships available to new graduate students.
Undergraduates, currently completing bachelor’s degrees at other institutions, who apply to UHCL graduate programs (see Applicants with Pending Bachelor’s Degrees).
Former UHCL graduate students, who have completed a graduate degree and will apply to a new graduate program.
Returning UHCL Graduate Students
Former graduate students are those who have previously attended UHCL but have not enrolled during the past three consecutive semesters. Former students can return immediately to their prior program by submitting the following:
Graduate Readmit Application (online through or UHCL Graduate Application Portal)
Application fee
Official transcript(s) of any coursework completed since the last semester of enrollment at UHCL. Other transcripts of completed coursework may be required, if not previously submitted or if that information is no longer on file.
Former students applying to enroll in a different degree program must meet current admissions requirements for the new program and apply by the deadline for New UHCL Graduate Students.
New and returning students can enroll under the following classifications:
Degree-seeking students
Degree-seeking students are those applying for admission to academic degree programs.
Non-degree-seeking students
Non-degree-seeking students are those applying to UHCL for reasons other than the pursuit of degrees (e.g., personal enrichment, job enhancement or graduate certificates).
Non-degree-seeking students are not eligible for financial aid and must reapply as degree-seeking to pursue degrees at UHCL in future semesters.
Credit earned in non-degree status will not automatically be applicable to academic degree programs.
A maximum of 12 semester credit hours can be taken in non-degree-seeking status (some graduate-level courses are restricted to only degree-seeking students and the number of hours that can be applied to their Candidate Plans of Study (CPS) may be limited).
Certificate program students are applying to complete a specific, non-degree certificate, prior to enrolling in the coordinating degree-seeking program.
These programs require the completion of 12 hours of coursework, prior to entering the coordinating degree program. All transcripts are required for admission, and students must have earned a 3.000 GPA or higher on the last 60 hours of coursework (some certificates have different GPA requirements).
For specific policies regarding course availability, application procedures and GPA requirements, please refer to the appropriate academic department’s program section of this catalog.
Visiting Graduate Students
Visiting students generally plan to enroll in non-degree-seeking status at UHCL for only one semester in order to transfer coursework back to their current graduate school.
Visiting graduate students must provide:
- An official transcript that includes their highest degree earned.
- Correspondence directly from their advisor (letter or email) verifying the student’s enrollment in a graduate program at their home school, their current academic standing and the coursework they are approved to complete at UHCL.
To enroll in a subsequent semester, visiting students must submit a new application and fee to the Office of Admissions. Because the application fee is non-refundable, students should obtain permission from the associate dean’s office of their academic program prior to submitting a new application.
Graduate Application Fees
Application Fees
The current application fees are as follows:
- Graduate applicants (general programs) - $45
- Additional graduate program application fees include:
- Clinical Psychology, M.A. - $35
- School Psychology, S.S.P. - $35
- Health Service Psychology, Psy.D. - $50
- College of Education Doctoral applicants - $105
Applicants who do not enroll in the semester for which they applied can update their application for the next two available semesters. To request an update to a new semester, applicants should submit a Transfer/Graduate Application Update form, found on the Office of Admissions’ website.
The application fee is non-refundable and can be paid by credit card (VISA, Discover, or Mastercard). The application fee can be paid online through E-Services, UHCL Graduate Application Portal, or in person at the Office of Student Business Services.
(Some graduate departmental programs have separate applications and fees. These fees will be listed in the specific department’s section of the catalog or on their website).
Graduate Deadlines - General Programs
- New Degree-Seeking Students - August 1
- Returning UHCL Students - August 15
- New Degree-Seeking Students - January 5
- Returning UHCL Students - January 15
- New Degree-Seeking Students - May 1
- Returning UHCL Students - May 25
General deadlines may be extended. For extension information of general programs, see the Office of Admissions’ website.
Transcripts and Records Information
Records Information
Applicants must indicate all previously attended institutions on their application for admission. The Office of Admissions must receive all documents by the appropriate deadline (see Deadlines). If students knowingly withhold information or submit fraudulent information regarding enrollment at another college or university, their application to University of Houston-Clear Lake will be considered invalid and the students may be administratively withdrawn from classes, without a refund of fees paid.
U.S. Transcript Requirements
For admission purposes, UHCL will accept applicable credit listed on official transcripts from regionally accredited colleges and universities. UHCL will also consider credit from institutions recognized by The Council on Higher Education (CHEA) and The Department of Education (DOE). The Electronic Download method (EDI or SPEEDE download) is the fastest, and UHCL’s preferred method of transcript delivery. Some other widely used electronic transcript services include National Clearinghouse, eScrip-Safe, and Parchment services.
Official transcripts may also be mailed directly from issuing institutions to the Office of Admissions. Additionally, UHCL may accept hand-delivered transcripts as official, if they are printed within the past 60 days, and are received in sealed envelopes from the issuing institutions. Unofficial transcripts, student grade reports, emailed documents, or transfer work listed on transcripts from different institutions will not be accepted as a student’s official record of coursework.
Generally, UHCL only considers academic credit in transfer. Consideration of other transfer credit toward UHCL graduate degrees must be reviewed for applicability by the program department and approved by the college dean (see Graduate Transfer Credit Information).
International Document Requirements
School Accreditation Status
UHCL applicants who attended international institutions must provide the Office of Admissions with official transcripts confirming all academic studies attempted and completed for the admissions review. Required transcripts must also include:
- Individual mark sheets
- Any earned or pending degree(s) or diploma(s)
Confirmation of course completion or graduation is required for re-enrollment at UHCL. A course syllabus may also be requested, if needed.
Transcripts and/or mark sheets must be in the original language and accompanied by English translations (if applicable). These documents should clearly indicate dates of attendance, subjects taken, marks (grades) earned and reflect any degrees/diplomas awarded.
Students requesting to transfer specific coursework completed outside of the U.S. should be prepared to provide an official evaluation of coursework completed by an acceptable evaluation service such as:
- SDR,
- AACRAO, or
- any member of NACES
Official transcripts for U.S. students must be sent directly to University of Houston-Clear Lake Office of Admissions by the registrar of each institution attended. When a direct submission is not possible, documents certified by an embassy or consular official as “true copies” may be accepted. Copies of documents without certification will not be accepted.
Any appropriate credit will be granted according to UHCL degree requirements in effect, at the time of enrollment or reapplication to the university. If all required documentation is received, an official evaluation for transferring students will be completed in the first semester of enrollment.
Applicants to College of Science and Engineering graduate programs MUST have their foreign transcripts evaluated by a credential evaluation service, which is a member of the National Assocation of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). The transcript evaluation must include course-by-course grades and a grade point average calculation. It must also indicate the diploma or degree conferred and U.S. equivalency. An original evaluation must be forwarded to University of Houston-Clear Lake directly from the credential evaluation agency. Effective fall 2024.
Repeated Transfer Courses
Generally, graduate programs consider only the last 60 hours of coursework taken from regionally accredited institutions in determining the admissions GPA. Any applicable coursework attempted, including repeated courses, will be used to determine the cumulative transfer GPA for admission purposes.
Records Retention and Release
Records from transfer institutions are kept on file for a period of five years after students’ final enrollment at UHCL. Former students who did not enroll during the past five years must reapply, pay the application fee, and resubmit transcripts and/or required documentation, if those documents are no longer available.
Once documents are submitted to University of Houston-Clear Lake, they become the property of the university and will not be returned to students or sent to other transfer institutions or entities via email, fax, or U.S. mail. Students may receive copies of their previously submitted transcripts or scores in person by bringing a valid Texas driver’s license or state issued ID to the Office of Admissions. Completion of an Information Request form is required.
University Policy Regarding Discretionary Authority
The university reserves the right to reject applicants whose records do not indicate potential success at University of Houston-Clear Lake, as well as other requirements deemed necessary. It also reserves the right to further evaluate applicants by using psychological, achievement, and/or aptitude tests and personal interviews.
Additionally, the university reserves the right to reject applicants who falsify information that was submitted for admission consideration or used to determine admissibility to the university. UHCL may also reject applicants who display (during the application process) acts of misconduct or conduct unbecoming of UHCL students, as defined in Section B of the UHCL Student Conduct Code policies.
Readmission may be denied to former students who have falsified university documents or who have used a university official’s signature inappropriately for personal benefit or gain.
Notification of Admission
Upon receipt of required documentation, the Office of Admissions and/or program department will determine the applicant’s eligibility to the university. Applicants will be notified of their admissions decision by the Office of Admissions or the program department, as applicable. If accepted, important information regarding registration dates and additional procedures will be sent by email or letter. Important enrollment information is also available on the university’s website.
Acceptance into a Degree Program
Acceptance into a degree program is determined by each academic college or department’s admissions standards. Any applicable transfer credit from other institutions, or previous credit earned at UHCL, is not automatically applied toward the completion of UHCL degrees.
Course requirements and applicability to UHCL degree requirements are confirmed, once the Candidate Plan of Study (CPS) has been completed by college departments and provided to students. Students who do not enroll for 12 months must reapply for admission and contact their academic advisor to receive a revised CPS, based on new or revised degree requirements.
Admissions Requirements and Procedures
Applicants will be considered for admission to University of Houston-Clear Lake, if they have earned bachelor’s degrees or higher (as applicable) from regionally accredited institution(s) of higher education, and are eligible to return immediately to the last institution attended.
- All applicants are encouraged to apply online and must present documented evidence that they meet the appropriate admission requirements.
- All graduate score reports being sent online or by paper to the university should be directed to the Office of Admissions, so that they download into the UHCL Student Information System. In order for information to be applied to an official admissions record and to be available for departmental access, students should not include department codes on their test score requests.
Degree-seeking Applicants
Degree-seeking applicants must submit:
- Admissions application - Online applications are accessible via the Office of Admission’s website. Some programs have a dual application process and require the submission of both a university application through or UHCL Graduate Application Portal and a program application to the department. Late applications that are submitted online, after the posted deadlines, may not be considered or may be automatically updated to the next available semester.
- Non-refundable application fee (see Application Fees)
- Official transcript(s) from each institution attended
- Official graduate score report requirements:
A Graduate Management Assessment Test (GMAT), Graduate Records Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test (MAT) is required, based on the specific requirements of academic programs or departments (department codes should not be used when requesting that score reports be sent to the university).
The College of Education will allow applicants to the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership to take University of Houston-Clear Lake’s Doctoral Writing Assessment examination, in lieu of the GRE.
Transcripts should reach the Office of Admissions by published deadlines in which students plan to enroll. Students who are currently enrolled at transfer institutions, at the time admission is granted to UHCL or who enrolled in coursework at other institutions after enrollment at UHCL should send completed documentation to the Office of Admissions, immediately upon completion of that coursework.
Applicants with Pending Bachelor’s or Master’s Degrees
Applicants transferring to University of Houston-Clear Lake or current UHCL undergraduate students applying to a graduate program, may be admitted while pending the receipt of bachelor’s or master’s degrees. To qualify, students must:
Currently Enrolled Transferring Students
Applicants transferring to UHCL from another institution must have already completed graduation requirements or be currently enrolled in coursework that will complete graduation requirements for their intended program. Students pending a required degree must meet graduation requirements at their current institution, prior to the first day of classes at UHCL. An official Letter of Standing from their home institution’s program advisor, registrar, or associate dean is required. The letter must document that the appropriate degree will be earned prior to enrollment at UHCL.
Current UHCL Undergraduate Students Applying to a Graduate program
Current UHCL students may apply to a master’s or doctoral program prior to the conferral of the required degree. To be accepted, students must have a Pending Graduation Application on file in the Office of Academic Records. The Office of Admissions must verify that pending student applications for graduation have not been denied before admission to graduate or doctoral programs is granted.*
Admitted students must earn required degrees prior to the first day of classes. Students requiring additional time to complete pending degree requirements will be returned to their previous undergraduate or master’s status, to complete the current degree prior to being eligible to enroll in a new program.
*Programs may accept certification of pending graduation from UHCL advisors in lieu of the application for graduation being filed with the Records Office.
Non-degree-seeking Graduates
Non-degree-seeking graduate students are those who will enroll in classes, but do not plan to pursue a degree at University of Houston-Clear Lake. These students must submit an official transcript from the last institution attended and an official transcript showing their highest degree conferred, if different.
Non-degree-seeking students who plan to enroll in graduate coursework in the College of Business must have permission from the associate dean or designee prior to registering for classes.
Students may earn up to 12 semester credit hours in non-degree status and must reapply and pay the application fee to change to degree-seeking status (see Degree-seeking Applicants).
Credit earned in non-degree-seeking status will not automatically be applicable to a specific academic degree program. Additionally, some graduate level courses are restricted to only degree-seeking students, and the number of hours that can be applied to a Candidate Plan of Study (CPS) may be limited.
For specific program policies regarding course availability and application of credit, please refer to the appropriate section of this catalog or contact the departmental advisor.
Graduate Transient Status
Graduate students in good standing at other institutions may be admitted to University of Houston-Clear Lake as non-degree-seeking transients on a per-semester basis. These students generally plan to transfer coursework back to their home institution. Transient students must submit an official transcript(s) showing proof that a bachelor’s degree or higher has been conferred. Due to prerequisite requirements, some programs may also require a Letter of Standing from the transfer institution, indicating the specific coursework being requested at UHCL.
Transient students who wish to enroll in a second semester must again obtain permission from the associate dean of their academic program. Approved students must then reapply by submitting a new application and application fee to the Office of Admissions.
Students enrolling in transient status who subsequently decide to become degree-seeking must reapply, pay the general application fee, and meet the university’s and academic program’s current admission requirements.
Certificate Programs (Non-degree-seeking)
Applicants who only wish to earn a graduate certificate must apply for admission, pay the application fee, and submit transcripts from all previously attended institutions. Graduate test scores are not required.
Certificate programs are awarded upon the successful completion of 12 hours of coursework in non-degree-seeking status. Once completed, this coursework can be applied toward meeting the course requirements in the coordinating degree-seeking program.
When applying via the online or UHCL Graduate Application Portal website, applicants must apply directly for a specific certificate program. Since certificate programs are considered non-degree-seeking, students in these programs are not eligible for either financial aid or scholarship awards.
Teacher Certification
Degree-seeking students enrolled in master’s degree programs may also be simultaneously enrolled in a teacher certification program. Students applying to undergraduate teacher certification programs without the intention of pursuing graduate degrees should apply as undergraduate students in post-baccalaureate status.
Teacher certification applicants are encouraged to seek appropriate advising through their academic department.
English Proficiency Requirements for Students Educated Outside of the United States
Applicants educated in countries where English is not the official language must demonstrate English proficiency. This requirement must be met during the admissions process. The intent of this policy is to ensure applicants have reasonable chances to succeed academically, based on their ability to comprehend, speak, and write in English. The English proficiency requirement may be met by meeting one of the following criteria:*
- Earning a U.S. high school diploma or conferral of a U.S. associate degree or higher from regionally accredited institutions of higher education (Applied Science degrees cannot be used to waive the English proficiency requirement).
- Earning qualifying test scores from the SAT, ACT, TAKS, STAAR or Stanford exams (see TSI Assessment Exemptions through Test Scores).
- Achievement Tests (for deaf students only). Specific exemption information can be obtained by contacting the Office of Admissions.
- Earning 12 or more transferable hours in the following subjects: English, Speech, and heavy reading-related subjects, such as Government, Political Science, History, etc. from regionally accredited institutions of higher education. Grades earned must be C or higher, and six (6) of the 12 hours must be in English Composition. English as Second Language courses (ESL or ESOL) do not count toward English proficiency exemptions.
To satisfy English Proficiency by Test Results, one of the following is required:
- Official Pearson Test of English (PTE) score of 53 or higher
- Official International English Language System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher
- Successful completion of ELS Level 112 - Intensive English Program
- iBT TOEFL Test total of 79 or higher
* Applicants for Teacher Certification may require additional criteria for English proficiency. See Teacher Certification.
Teacher Certification English Language Requirements
Students may complete a Teacher Certification program, with or without earning a degree at UHCL. Those who have already earned bachelor’s degrees and plan to complete undergraduate teacher certification without simultaneously enrolling in graduate degree programs can complete certification coursework in post-baccalaureate (PB) status.
Required scores are as follows:
Students must earn UHCL’s minimum scaled total score requirement of 79 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet- Based TOEFL (iBT) examination.
Other required minimum scores that must be submitted directly to the TEA, agency code 8225, and degree requirements are as follows:
- Speaking: 24
- Listening: 22
- Reading: 22
- Writing: 21
- Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States, not including U.S. territories.
- Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an institution of higher education in a country outside of the U.S. that is approved by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) as listed below:*
American Samoa |
Anguilla |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Australia |
Bahamas |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermuda |
British Virgin Islands* |
Cayman Islands |
Canada (except Quebec) |
Dominica |
Gambia |
Ghana |
Gibraltar |
Grand Canyon |
Grenada |
Guyana |
Jamaica |
Liberia |
Nigeria |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Saint Lucia |
Trinidad/Tobago |
Turks and Caicos |
United Kingdom* |
U.S. Pacific Trust |
*British Virgin Islands include - England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. United Kingdom includes - West Indies.
Examinations for Graduate Candidacies
All new graduate students must provide official standardized test results from GRE, GMAT, or MAT examinations, as required by the appropriate academic department. Test scores must be sent directly to the Office of Admissions to be viewed by campus departments and for completion of applicant admissions files.
Former students who pursue new degrees in different programs or academic departments must apply by the posted deadlines for new graduate students. These students may be required to submit a different graduate examination for admission purposes. In these situations, students are encouraged to contact their academic department for more information.
Scores must be received directly from the testing agency. Hand-carried or student copies of test score results, or those that are more than five years old at the time of application, are considered unofficial and will not be accepted.
Students enrolling as non-degree-seeking are generally exempt from standardized test requirements (please check the appropriate program’s requirements). Non-degree-seeking students who change to degree-seeking status are required to meet current admissions requirements, submit any required documentation not yet received, and must reapply and pay the appropriate application fee.
Examination Exemptions
University of Houston Clear Lake may provide both university and college examination exemptions. UHCL will waive graduate test score requirements for applicants with conferred academic doctorate degrees from accredited U.S. institutions (e.g., Ph.D. or Ed.D.). Graduate score exemptions will also apply to applicants who have earned other doctorate degrees such as M.D., D.D.S. or J.D. degrees, and who are also licensed to practice in the United States.
Applicants who do not meet the university waivers may meet requirements for some college or departmental graduate test score waivers, as follows:
College of Science and Engineering
College of Science and Engineering’s graduate acceptance committee may request a dean’s examination exemption. This exemption may apply to applicants who have earned graduate degrees from regionally accredited institutions of higher education in programs related to their field of study. Other exemptions may apply by program. For the most current waiver information, consult the appropriate program’s requirements in the catalog or on their website.
College of Human Sciences and Humanities
The College of Human Sciences and Humanities will waive the graduate examination requirement for applicants who have earned a 3.000 GPA or higher on the last 60 hours of coursework or who hold doctorate degrees. Examination exceptions do not apply for applicants in the following degree programs:
- Criminology and Criminal Justice, M.A.
- Clinical Psychology, M.A.
- Health Service Psychology, Psy.D.
College of Education
College of Education will waive the graduate examination requirement for applicants who have earned a 3.000 GPA or higher on the last 60 hours of coursework and a bachelor’s degree or higher, or for counseling applicants who have earned a master’s degree.
College examination exemptions do not apply for applicants to the Doctor of Education programs. However, students may complete the UHCL’s Doctoral Writing Assessment Examination, in lieu of the GRE. Please contact the department for details.
College of Business
College of Business programs which require a standardized test will provide a standardized test waiver to students who graduate from qualified programs and whose grade performance meets designated waiver requirements. A program is considered a qualified program if it meets any of the following criteria:
(a) A regionally accredited U.S. school, college, or university, or
(b) An accredited school, college, or university in a country where English is the native or first language, or
(c) An accredited college or university in a country on the SBEC-approved list of countries (see Teacher Certification English Language requirements).
In addition to the qualified program requirement, the applicant must also meet the degree performance requirements set by the program they are applying to, as follows:
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Applicants to the MBA program may qualify with a standardized test waiver if they meet one (1) of the following criteria:
(a) Earned a bachelor’s degree from a qualified institution with a 3.000 or greater cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale) from the degree granting institution, or
(b) Earned an advanced degree from a qualified institution, or
(c) Complete the MBA certificate start with a 3.000 or greater GPA in the certificate.
MBA Certificate Start
Domestic applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree from a qualified institution with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.500 (on a 4.0 system).
Qualified applicants who are admitted to MBA Certificate Start program must complete their graduate certificate in either Environmental Management, Human Resource Management, or Management of Technology with a 3.000 or greater GPA in the certificate to be granted acceptance into the MBA core program.
Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA), or Joint Master of Healthcare Administration and Business Administration (MHA/MBA)
This is a standardized test optional program. Admissions decisions are made entirely from student academic records.
M.A. Human Resource Management
Applicants to the MA HRM program will receive a standardized test waiver if they meet any of the following criteria:
(a) Earned a bachelor’s degree from a qualified institution with a 2.750 or greater overall GPA, or
(b) Earned a bachelor’s degree from a qualified institution with a 2.750 or greater GPA in the last-60 hours attempted, or
(c) Completion of the MA HRM with Certificate Start with a GPA of 3.000 or greater.
M.S. Accounting
The College of Business will provide a GMAT examination waiver to applicants to the MS in Accounting program who meet any of the following requirements:
- Majoring in a business-related area at a qualified institution, with at least 18 credit hours of upper-division business-related courses from the institution, with an overall GPA of at least 2.75 in those courses, or
- Earned a bachelor’s degree in a science, engineering, or mathematics related major at a qualified institution, with an overall GPA of at least 2.75 in upper-division courses at the institution, or
- Earned a graduate degree in business, a Ph.D., an M.D., an Ed.D., a D.D.S., or a J.D. from a qualified institution (or U.S. licensure).
M.S. Environmental Management
Applicants to the M.S. Environmental Management program are eligible for a standardized test waiver if they meet one (1) of the following criteria:
(a) Earned a bachelor’s degree from a qualified institution with a 3.000 or greater cumulative GPA on the last 60 hours of coursework attempted, or
(b) Earned an advanced degree from a qualified institution, or
(c) Completed a Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management from University of Houston-Clear Lake.
M.S. Finance
Applicants to the M.S. Finance program are eligible for a standardized test waiver if they meet one (1) of the following criteria:
(a) Earned a bachelor’s degree from a qualified institution with a 3.000 or greater cumulative GPA on the last 60 hours of coursework attempted, or
(b) Earned an advanced degree from a qualified institution.
M.S. Management Information Systems
This is a standardized test optional program. Admissions decisions are made entirely from student academic records.
Test Center Telephone Numbers and Information
Test Center Information for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), and Miller Analogies Test (MAT) is listed below. For more specific examination requirements by college, program or plan, please refer to the appropriate college’s section of the catalog.
Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
- Phone 1-609-771-7670 or 510-654-1200
- Institution code - R6916
Miller Analogies Test (MAT) Miller Analogies Test (MAT)
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
- Phone 1-800-717-4628
- Select code by program of interest as follows: Select code by program of interest as follows:
- 1FD-BS-78 Master’s in Healthcare Administration
- 1FD-BS-76 MBA, Full-Time
- 1FD-BS-08 MBA, Part-Time
- 1FD-BS-45 M.A. in Human Resource Management
- 1FD-BS-29 M.S. in Accounting
- 1FD-BS-71 M.S. in Environmental Management
- 1FD-BS-86 M.S. in Finance
- 1FD-BS-81 M.S. in Management Information Systems
- 1FD-BS-93 MHA/MBA Joint Degree
- 1FD-BS-97 M.S. in Computer Information Systems
Majors that accept both GMAT and GRE scores are as follows:
- M.S.-M.I.S.
- M.A.-HRM
- M.S.-Environmental Management
- M.S. -Computer Information Systems
Majors that accept the UHCL Doctoral Writing Assessment Examination
- Ed.D. in Educational Leadership
Readmission or Status Change Process
Former UHCL Students
Former students seeking readmission to UHCL after three semesters of non-enrollment should submit the following:
- Completed admissions application
- Non-refundable $45 application fee, and
- Official transcript(s) of any coursework completed since enrolled at UHCL, or coursework that was pending receipt when last enrolled at University of Houston-Clear Lake
Former students who have not been enrolled at UHCL within the past five years or whose information is no longer on file are required to resubmit documents from other institutions.
Students who leave the university on academic probation will be readmitted on academic probation.
- Degree-seeking students whose ability to enroll was terminated due to academic deficiency must be reinstated by the appropriate associate dean or designee before readmission.
- Non-degree-seeking students must be reinstated by the associate vice president of Enrollment Management or designee.
Changing Careers or Enrollment Status
Enrolled students who would like to change their academic careers from undergraduate to graduate (or vice versa) or who would like to change their classification from non-degree-seeking to degree-seeking must re-apply to the university.
To reapply, students must submit a new application to the Office of Admissions, pay the application fee and meet appropriate admission criteria and deadlines. Students who enrolled as degree-seeking and wish to change to non-degree-seeking the following semester, should complete an Academic Records Change form (ARC). This form is available through their program’s academic advising office.
Applicants to the university, who applied to either an undergraduate or graduate career and would like to change their career before officially enrolling, can do so once without submitting a new application. These students should complete a Graduate Application Update Request form.
If an additional career change is needed, students must reapply and submit a new application fee (some applicants may be asked to submit a new application, if applicable; however, the fee will not be assessed). Applicants interested in changing their program or degree status while remaining in the same career can do so prior to the first day of classes.
Records Retention and Release
Records from other institutions are kept on file for a period of five years after enrollment. Former students who did not enroll during the past five years must resubmit transcripts, documentation and pay the application fee, when reapplying to the university. Once documents are submitted to University of Houston-Clear Lake, they become the property of the university and will not be returned or otherwise sent to other institutions or entities via email, fax, or U.S. mail.
Students may receive a copy of their previously submitted transcripts or scores in person, by bringing a valid Texas driver’s license or state-issued ID to the Office of Admissions and completing a request form to release the information.
Graduate Transfer Credit Information
Transfer of Graduate Credit
Course equivalencies for any graduate transfer work is determined through the student’s academic program department.
Master’s degree programs require a minimum of 30 semester credit hours. A minimum of 24 semester credit hours must be earned through instruction at UHCL. No more than 25% of the semester credit hours required for a graduate degree can be accepted in transfer from other institutions. Therefore, the possibility of transferring credit toward a master’s degree is in most cases limited to no more than six (6) hours for a master’s degree requiring 30 semester credit hours, and no more than nine (9) hours for programs requiring 36 semester credit hours.
Doctoral degree programs require a minimum of 69 hours beyond the master’s degree. The possibility of transferring credit toward doctoral degrees is limited to no more than 21 hours, but in most cases may not exceed 12 semester credit hours.
Credit applied toward previous graduate degrees may not be used to fulfill requirements of a different degree. Additionally, this credit is not necessarily applicable to subsequent degree programs.
Only graduate courses with grades of B- or above are transferable; grades of C or below are non-transferable.
The dean of the academic program will determine whether the content of such coursework is pertinent to current degree objectives. Courses completed more than five years prior to admission into graduate programs at UHCL may not be counted toward fulfilling the required number of hours, unless approval is granted by the dean.