Mar 03, 2025
2025-2026 Graduate Catalog
Literature, M.A.
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Graduate studies in Literature at UHCL lead to the Master of Arts (M.A.) degree. Students may study literature from the distant past to the present.
Admission to the Program
GRE completion is not required for applicants to this program. Applicants with a last 60-hour GPA of 3.0 or higher or for those who have completed advanced degrees will be automatically admitted. Those with a last 60-hour GPA below 3.0 will be individually reviewed by program faculty who will make an admission decision based on the application file. Applications and inquiries should be addressed to the university Office of Admissions or the HSH Office of Academic Advising.
Undergraduate students in the final semester of their Literature B.A. and post-baccalaureate students enrolled in their final six hours of required undergraduate LITR coursework may, with permission from their faculty advisor and their course instructor, take two graduate (5000-level) LITR courses. However, undergraduate students may not count a graduate course toward their undergraduate degree.
Every M.A. student is assigned an advisor from the full-time Literature faculty. Early in the first semester, the student must initiate a meeting with the faculty advisor to create an individual Candidate Plan of Study (CPS).
Degree Requirements
The Literature M.A. offers two 33-hour plans of study featuring different capstones: - Coursework-Comprehensive Examination Option (default plan): 33 hours of coursework + comprehensive written exam (LITR 6909 , a zero-credit-hour course).
- Thesis Option: 27 hours of graduate coursework + minimum of 6 hours thesis (LITR 6939 ) + thesis defense conference.
Incoming students are automatically enrolled in the Coursework-Comprehensive Examination Option. This option offers the broadest exposure to literature and is the shorter, lower-cost path for completing the M.A. in Literature. Unlike the Thesis Option, the Coursework-Comprehensive Examination Option rarely requires additional semesters. First year of graduate work
All candidates for the M.A. in Literature must take 18 hours of Literature courses focused on analysis of literary texts
TWO courses in British Literature, one pre-Restoration (LITR 5434) and one post-Restoration (LITR 5435); ONE course in American Literature (LITR 5431); ONE course in Multicultural/World Literature (LITR 5831); and TWO additional courses devoted to the study of literary texts (choose from: LITR 5034, 5431, 5434, 5435, 5437, 5438, 5439, 5831). Capstone Options
Each capstone option requires the specified number of graduate LITR courses. Coursework-Comprehensive Examination Option: at least 24 of the 33 coursework hours must be graduate LITR (5000-level) courses. Thesis Option: at least 21 of the 27 coursework hours must be graduate LITR (5000-level) courses. All non-LITR courses must be approved in advance by a student’s faculty advisor and support an intellectually coherent plan of study, or they will not count toward the hours required for the M.A. Undergraduate courses (4000-level and lower) will not count toward the M.A. Students are not permitted to register for either capstone option until they have cleared all Incompletes. Comprehensive Examination Capstone
The comprehensive examination requires students to think comparatively about the courses they have taken and texts they have read, to demonstrate knowledge of those texts and literary history, and to exhibit competence in critical thinking and composition. Examinations are designed to reflect and to support the student’s chosen course of study. The comprehensive examination is offered on two weekends each semester; students may opt for either weekend. Special accommodations for students with disabilities may be made according to university policy: communicate with faculty advisor and the Accessibility Support Center. For complete examination guidelines, consult the Capstone Options Guide for Literature M.A. Students, available from the Literature program director. Thesis Capstone
Students who wish to pursue the thesis option must petition for reclassification as they approach the 27-hour coursework minimum. A thesis may be an original essay in criticism and/or scholarship or an original creative work of substantial complexity and quality that demonstrates clear mastery of its form. A creative thesis must also include a substantial “learning commentary” describing the thesis’s background and composition, its literary models, and its potential for continued development. Students wishing to write creative theses must take at least one of the genres offered through the graduate Seminars in Creative Writing (LITR 5430 ). Students cannot be enrolled for thesis hours (LITR 6939 ) until they have a complete and approved proposal on file in the HSH Office of Academic Advising. Master’s theses require continuous registration in all fall and spring semesters until completion for a minimum of six hours. If students do not maintain continuous registration in LITR 6939 , previously accumulated thesis hours will not count toward the 6-hour minimum of LITR 6939 registration required for the master’s degree. For complete thesis guidelines, consult the Capstone Guide for Literature M.A. students, available from the Literature program director. Academic Standards
As with all academic standards in the UHCL Graduate Catalog, the following academic performance standards apply to all LITR M.A. students regardless of the catalog under which they entered the university. Minimum GPA for Graduation
All courses for the M.A. in Literature, including all courses on the CPS and all courses transferred in for credit must be completed with grades of B or higher. Suspension
Students who are suspended from the program and wish to return should refer to UHCL’s policy on reinstatement found in the “General Program Requirements” section of this catalog. Hours Completed as a Non-Degree Graduate Student
The advising and degree-planning process is integral to the student’s educational experience. The Literature program therefore will accept toward the number of required hours no more than two graduate (5000-level) LITR courses completed while a student holds Graduate Non-Degree Student status. These courses will remain current for five years from the end of the semester in which they were taken. Accountability
Students are responsible for working with their faculty advisors to ensure that all coursework and plans of study comply with catalog provisions. Variances will be approved only in exceptional cases; students desiring a variance must petition the associate dean who will confer with program faculty in making this decision. |
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