Sep 07, 2024  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Program Requirements

Student Responsibility

Students are responsible for knowing their degree requirements and enrolling in courses appropriate for their chosen degree programs. Students also are responsible for knowing all university regulations regarding student affairs and course work standards required for study undertaken in the university.

While this catalog was prepared on the basis of the best information available at the time, all information including statements of fees, course offerings, admissions and graduation requirements is subject to change without notice or obligation. The most recent information regarding degree requirements and academic standards may be obtained from the appropriate dean’s office. Student affairs information may be obtained by contacting the Office of the Dean of Students, or by contacting the individual student services offices.

Graduate Standing

Graduate standing is given to those students who have earned a bachelor’s degree and have indicated their intent to study at the graduate level or pursue teacher certification at UHCL by submitting a graduate studies application.

Degrees Offered

University of Houston-Clear Lake is authorized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to confer three doctoral degrees and six degrees in 46 graduate majors.

Degrees and Programs (A-Z)

Advanced TEA Certification

Bachelor of Science/Master of Science


Doctor of Education

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Psychology

Master of Arts

Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration/Master of Healthcare Administration

Master of Healthcare Administration

Master of Science

TEA Certification

Enrollment Policies

In conjunction with academic performance standards, the policies listed below are utilized by the university in monitoring the academic progress of students.

Course Load

Students should be aware that academic work will be at advanced levels and should consider individual abilities when determining an appropriate course load. Course load limits may be set as terms of probation or readmission to the university after suspension. The university limits course loads to a maximum of 12 hours for graduate students during the fall and spring semesters. For the summer semester, the limit is 9 hours.

In evaluating their ability to carry a certain course load, students should consider:

  • Time available for class preparation.
  • Whether an excessive load might endanger academic standing.
  • Physical and mental stamina.
  • Financial factors of commuting costs, tuition, fees and personal budget.

Under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations, international students are required to maintain full-time enrollment during each fall and spring semester. In addition, no more than three credit hours per semester taken online may be counted towards full-time enrollment for F and J student visa holders.

Full-Time/Part-Time Status Course Load

A student’s enrollment status is determined by the number of credit hours for which the student is enrolled at UHCL each semester. Enrollment statuses are listed below:

Enrollment Status Credit Hours
Full Time Enrollment 9 hours or more
Three Quarter Time Enrollment 7 hours to 8 hours
Half Time Enrollment 5 hours to 6 hours
Less Than Half Time Enrollment 4 hours or less

For the summer term, all hours are added together between sessions to arrive at the total number of hours for the summer.

When enrolled in a cooperative education course, students will be considered full-time for purposes of enrollment verification. The above hours requirement may differ for financial aid purposes. Please review the section of the catalog on Financial Aid or contact the Office of Financial Aid.

Resident Credit

Resident credit is defined in two ways:

  • Credit awarded for successful completion of academic work undertaken at UHCL


  • Credit awarded for successful completion of academic work undertaken at another college or university provided that
    • Students are candidates for degrees at UHCL and
    • Students have written approval of their faculty adviser and their appropriate associate dean before undertaking academic work elsewhere.

Students should be aware that credits earned elsewhere without prior approval from UHCL are not considered credits “earned in residence” for the purpose of fulfilling general degree requirements.

Graduate Courses

Graduate courses are defined as those courses with course numbers in the 5000, 6000, 7000, and 8000range. 7000 and 8000 range courses are restricted to doctoral students.

Graduate courses taken as an undergraduate will only calculate in the undergraduate hours earned and in the undergraduate GPA. Undergraduate and post-baccalaureate non-degree-seeking students are not eligible to enroll in graduate courses.

Class Attendance

Regular class attendance is expected of all students. What constitutes an acceptable rate of class attendance is a matter between students and their instructors, although the university expects instructors to maintain reasonable standards. Whenever instructors determine that students’ absences have been excessive, they have the right to request that the appropriate associate dean withdraw the students from the course.

Dropping or Withdrawing from Classes

Drop/Withdrawal Time Frame

Students may drop one or all classes without a grade penalty through the census date of the semester or session. Classes that are dropped through the census date will not be posted on a student’s official or unofficial transcript. Students may drop classes online through their E-Services account. Please see the Academic Calendar at for the census dates of the semester or session.

Students who drop a class or withdraw from all classes after the census date of the semester or session, but no later than the withdrawal deadline as stated in the Academic Calendar will receive one of the following grades: WQ (Student-initiated drop, No Evaluation) or WX (Administrative Drop or Withdrawal, No Evaluation). These grades imply no evaluation of students’ performance prior to the withdrawal. Students may retain auditing privileges with the instructor’s consent.

Student-Initiated Withdrawals

Once students have registered and paid tuition/fees for the course section, they are considered enrolled in the course(s) until they have officially dropped/withdrawn or received a grade. Nonattendance does not automatically terminate students’ enrollment in the course(s) and does not exempt them from any academic or financial responsibilities. Students who stop attending class without officially dropping/withdrawing from the course(s) will receive a final grade based on coursework completed.

If a student wishes to drop any or all of their classes, they are responsible for doing so online through-Services by the deadlines stated in the Academic Calendar. Withdrawal requests in writing can also be made by mail or by fax to 281-283-2530 and are effective on the date of receipt. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for additional assistance at The student assumes responsibility for written requests for drops/withdrawals that are delayed or not delivered. Drops/Withdrawal requests received after the deadlines stated in the Academic Calendar will not be processed. Student-initiated drops and withdrawals are irrevocable. Retroactive drops or withdrawals are not permitted. Students lose all university privileges on the date the withdrawal from the university is effective.

Course(s) dropped through the published Census Day will not appear on the transcript. Course(s) dropped after the Census Day and through the published withdrawal deadline will appear on the student’s transcript with a grade of WQ. Census Day and Withdrawal deadlines are published online in the Academic Calendar.

All outstanding bills and university obligations must be paid/fulfilled. This includes any payment plans or loan agreements issued by Student Business Services. Contact Student Business Services for additional information. Students receiving financial aid are advised to contact the Office of Financial Aid prior to making changes in their enrollment status. Reducing semester hours to zero is considered a withdrawal and the Refund Schedule will be followed. Please refer to the Refund Schedule on the Student Business Services’ website for information about deadlines.

Administrative Withdrawals

The university reserves the right to withdraw students from a class or all classes if, in the judgment of the appropriate university officials, such withdrawals are in the best interests of the students and the university. Students may be withdrawn for reasons of health, irresponsible financial conduct, unacceptable personal conduct, Honesty Code violations or other academic infractions, or disregard of official summonses to respond to official requests.

Students who are requesting a current semester medical withdrawal must submit a Student Appeal form to the Office of the Registrar before the end of the current semester if they cannot withdraw themselves by the withdrawal deadline. Please refer to the academic calendar for more information regarding deadlines. A medical withdrawal formally drops all courses in a term.

Written appeal for a medical withdrawal should address each of the following:

  1. Describe the medical condition/circumstances that required you to withdraw from the university.
  2. Explain in detail how/why the medical condition/circumstances prevented you from completing the academic term.
  3. Detail the dates of the onset of your medical condition/circumstances, along with the dates of any treatment you received, if appropriate.
  4. If you stopped attending classes, explain why and when. (Please note: nonattendance does not exempt you from academic and financial responsibilities.)
  5. If you did not utilize the regular withdrawal process, explain why not.
  6. Explain what relief you are seeking from this request. Be as specific as possible. Note: Medical withdrawals do not refund tuition and fees.

Supporting Documentation

You must include a letter from your health care provider(s) or other pertinent sources. The documentation should be on clinic letterhead and should address the following:

  • Describe the diagnosed medical or psychological condition or circumstances, and indicate when treatment commenced.
  • Explain how the severity of the condition completely prevents the student from attending classes and completing the semester.
  • Address potential health/clinical consequences if a medical withdrawal is not granted.

Review Process

  1. Submit all materials to the Office of the Registrar. Any missing or incomplete information may delay consideration of your request.
  2. After the materials are received, your request will be evaluated by the Office of the Registrar and you will be notified when it has been approved or denied. You may be asked to provide additional information to assist the university in its evaluation of your request. The decision of the Office of the Registrar is final.
  3. Please note that a Medical Withdrawal is granted in rare instances where a student is faced with a serious and unexpected condition that completely precludes him/her from being able to function as a student. If a request is approved, the student may be required to submit documentation from a health care provider to indicate his/her ability to function successfully prior to subsequent enrollment. Additional requests for a medical withdrawal are normally not granted for the same circumstances.
  4. Withdrawal appeals should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar prior to the close of the following long semester. Appeals submitted after one long semester will not be considered.


  • International students, students with a disability, and students who are receiving financial aid, veteran’s and/or other benefits and who are considering withdrawing from the university must meet with the appropriate official (e.g., international student adviser, staff from Disability Services, financial aid counselor, or veteran’s services) before withdrawing since there may be legal, certification, and/or repayment penalties associated with doing so.
  • Medical withdrawal typically results in withdrawal from all classes. Students who are considering the medical withdrawal process and wish to drop some, but not all, of their classes for a term should instead contact the their academic associate dean’s office for information about administrative drops.
  • Student Loans: Students who have borrowed from the Perkins or Direct Loan programs are federally required to schedule an Exit Counseling session. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for additional information.
  • All outstanding bills and university obligations must be paid/fulfilled. This includes any payment plans or loan agreements issued by Student Business Services. Contact Student Business Services for additional information.
  • Medical withdrawals do not provide for a refund of tuition and fees.

Final Exams

Final exams for the regular fall and spring terms must be scheduled the week following the last day of classes at the day/time indicated on the final exam schedule. Faculty teaching online courses during the regular fall and spring terms can schedule final exams anytime starting on the last day of classes until the end of the week following the last day of classes (the end of the regular exam week). During the summer sessions and fall/spring 8 week sessions, final exams are held on the last day of classes. Students and faculty should refer to the academic calendar and final exam schedule found online at for additional information. Students with exam schedule conflicts must work with faculty to resolve conflicts.

Missed Examinations and Assignments

Students are expected to be present at all announced examinations, including final examinations. Unless satisfactory alternate arrangements are made with instructors, missed examinations will be considered as failed. Students who must be absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day (as defined by the Texas Education Code) will be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence. Students needing to reschedule an examination or assignment for a holy day should submit a letter of request or appropriate form to each instructor within 15 days from the first class day of the semester. An instructor should acknowledge receipt where indicated on the form and return a copy to the student. A new date for taking an examination of completing an assignment missed for a holy day shall be set by the instructor. Should an instructor not honor the request for rescheduling examinations or assignments for holy days by setting reasonable new due dates, students may appeal the decision to their associate dean. The instructor or associate dean may require a letter of verification of the observed holy day from the religious institution.

Academic Appeals

Academic appeals include those appeals related to grades and academic programs or degree requirements. In all instances, the university expects that every attempt will be made initially to resolve such disputes informally through discussions by all relevant parties prior to initiating formal procedures.

Appeals of Academic Program or Degree Requirements

All appeals relating to specific program requirements (e.g., residency requirements, master’s degree option decisions) require that students submit a written petition to the associate dean of the degree granting college detailing the grounds for the appeal. The associate dean will respond in writing with a decision. The student may appeal this decision in writing to the dean within 15 working days of notification. The dean’s decision is final.

Grading Policies

Grading System

Grade Points Per Semester Hour Grade
4.000 A
3.667 A-
3.333 B+
3.000 B
2.667 B-
2.333 C+
2.000 C
1.667 C-
1.333 D+
1.000 D
0.667 D-
0.000 F

WQ* Student Initiated Drop, No Evaluation

WX* Withdrawal or Administrative Drop, No Evaluation

NG* No Grade Submitted, Contact Instructor

I* Incomplete-No Credit, unless work is not completed on time, then an F is given

CR*+ Credit

NC*+ No Credit

IP*++ In Progress-No Credit

*These grades are not included in computing the grade point average

+CR/NC awarded only for CLEP, graduate option and TexES course work

++IP awarded for graduate option course work

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average is a measure of a student’s academic achievement. Grade point averages are computed by multiplying the grade point earned by the number of credit hours in each course, and then dividing the sum of all grade points obtained by the total number of hours attempted.

The cumulative grade point average is based on the grade points earned since admission to UHCL excluding those hours for which grades are shown with asterisk (*) above. GPAs will round at three decimals. Grades earned for transferred courses are not calculated into grade point average at UHCL.

Incomplete Grade and Incomplete Grade Contract

A grade of Incomplete (I) may be given at the discretion of the instructor to students who are making satisfactory progress in a course. Incompletes are typically given for emergency situations which occur after the withdrawal date but prior to the end of the semester, and which prevent the student from completing course requirements. When assigning the grade of I, instructors provide students with an Incomplete Grade Contract that outlines the work to be accomplished before the I grade can be converted to a final grade and specifies a deadline date. This contract constitutes an agreement between instructors and students. A grade of I must be resolved within the time limit set by instructors; however, such limits may not be extended beyond the grade submission deadline for the next long semester following the semester in which the I grade was assigned. Failure to resolve an I will result in its conversion to a final grade of F on students’ permanent records. A grade of I can be converted to a final grade only. A statement denoting the lapse will appear on the transcript.

Students should not re-register for a course to complete a grade of I. Incomplete grade contracts are submitted to the appropriate associate dean’s office.

Students on academic probation, who have outstanding I grades, will remain on probation until all incompletes are resolved. I grades are not calculated in the GPA. An I grade which has been changed toa grade, or has been converted to a grade of F will be recorded and academic action taken during the semester of the grade change.

In Progress Grade

Master’s Thesis, Project, Dissertation, and Residency require continuous enrollment. A grade of In Progress (IP) will be recorded until final grade assignment for completion of the master’s option or dissertation. Not all internships require continuous enrollment but those that do are eligible for IP grades. The IP grade will not automatically convert to a grade of F if not resolved within a specified time. At the time final grades for graduate option course work are assigned, outstanding IP grades will be converted to Credit (CR) or No-Credit (NC). If the final grades are C or better, six hours of the letter grade assigned will be recorded, and the remaining IP grades will be converted to CR. If the final grades are C- or below, six hours of the letter grade assigned will be recorded and the remaining IP grades will be converted to an NC. Faculty, with the approval of the associate dean, may change an additional three hours of IP to a final letter grade. Students enrolled in master’s option course work or a dissertation are automatically enrolled in the same course each fall and spring semester until a final grade is assigned. Students must complete an application for graduation by the stated deadline during their last semester of enrollment. Failure to do so will result in a delay of graduation to a future semester.

Grade Changes

Grade changes are allowed for only one of the following three reasons:

  • Removal of an incomplete grade.
  • Result of a formal grade appeal or hearing process.
  • Correction of instructor error.

Other than removing an incomplete, grades will not be changed on the basis of extra work submitted after final grades are assigned.

Only the course instructor may assign grades for students in a course. Grade changes may be made by the instructor or the associate dean in the absence of the instructor. After one long semester, a grade change submitted by an instructor must be approved by the associate dean for the program in which the course is taught. Grade changes must be filed in the Office of the Registrar within one year after the original grade is posted. Grade changes resulting from the completion of In Progress (IP) or Incomplete (I) work may only be initiated by the instructor of record or the associate dean. Academic action that results from a grade change will be taken during the semester of the grade change. The changed grade will be the final grade used to compute the GPA.

Repeated Courses

As of fall 2008, if students repeat a course, it is with the understanding that the last grade earned in the course is the one counted toward fulfillment of degree requirements and hours earned. Only the hours and grade points earned on the last attempt will be counted in the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation and in determining academic standing. Any repeated courses where the final attempt was made prior to Fall 2008 will be counted in the GPA calculation and in determining academic standing. With prior approval of the appropriate associate dean, students may repeat courses at another college or university to raise a grade, including an F, earned at UHCL. However, the original grade earned at UHCL will remain a part of the academic record. Courses repeated at other institutions are treated as transfer credit. They will not be considered resident credit and will not be included in the UHCL GPA. Only grades earned on repeated courses taken at UHCL will be counted in the UHCL GPA. Note: While the last grade earned will be used to calculate GPA and Academic Standing for the most recent term, Academic Standing history will not change. In addition, some courses are repeatable for credit and repeating a course will not change the GPA. For example, each attempt of a Special Topics courses will count towards the GPA.

Grade Reports

Students can access their semester grades online at The student’s password is required for this confidential access. Grades can also be obtained by requesting a transcript. Grade reports are not mailed.

Grade Appeals

All appeals relating to specific course grades require that students first seek a satisfactory solution with the instructor. If this is not possible or the instructor cannot be reached, the student must send a written statement detailing the grounds for the appeal to the associate dean of the college in which the grade was earned. This written request must be received by the associate dean within 45 days from the calendar when grades are available as reported in the UHCL class schedule for that semester. The associate dean will then initiate the appropriate procedures to review the appeal. The student will be notified in writing of the decision. The student may appeal this decision in writing to the dean within 15 working days of notification. The dean’s decision is final on all grade appeals.

Academic Standards

The university expects students to meet certain standards of academic performance in order to maintain good standing and degree candidacy. The academic performance standards stated in this catalog apply to all students regardless of the catalog under which they entered the university.

Graduate Academic Status

Graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.000 or better in course work at UHCL. Each college may establish standards beyond the university’s minimum cumulative GPA requirement. A minimum of 3.000 cumulative GPA is required to graduate. The last attempt of all course work taken as a graduate student will be used in calculating the grade point average and determining academic status even when those courses are not counted toward degree requirements.

Academic Probation

Graduate students whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.000 will be placed on academic probation. Students who are on academic probation must earn a minimum 3.000 semester GPA on course work each subsequent semester until the grade point deficiency is removed. Students will be removed from Academic Probation when their semester grade point average is 3.000 or higher and their cumulative grade point average is at or above 3.000. Only course work taken at UHCL will be applied toward the grade point deficiency. Students on academic probation, whose cumulative GPA meets minimum requirements, will remain on probation until all incompletes are resolved. Students who leave the university on academic probation will be readmitted on academic probation. Academic probation will be noted permanently on students’ academic records.

Mandatory Probation Counseling - International Students

In order to avoid the consequences of academic suspensions on an international student’s immigration status, an international student placed on academic probation will be placed under mandatory academic counseling until such time that the student returns to good academic standing (cumulative GPA of 3.0).The academic probation counseling program is a comprehensive program that requires the student to meet with the Student Success Center to evaluate the academic support needs of the individual. The Student Success Center, in collaboration with the student’s academic adviser, will assist the student in developing an academic plan that guides the student’s return to good academic standing.

Academic Suspension

Graduate students who are on academic probation and earn less than a minimum 3.000 semester GPA will be suspended from the university. During academic suspension, students may not enroll, audit or visit classes at the university. Academic suspension will be noted permanently on students’ academic records.


Students who are suspended from the university for the first time may apply for reinstatement after one semester of non-enrollment. Students on suspension for the second time are eligible to apply for reinstatement after one year of non-enrollment. Students who have been suspended three times are suspended indefinitely. All academic suspensions are career specific (UGRD and GRAD). The suspension count is reset to zero for undergraduate students who pursue a UHCL graduate degree. Reinstatement following suspension is not automatic. Students who are eligible and seek reinstatement must submit to the associate dean of the college to which they wish to return a written petition justifying their readiness to resume satisfactory academic work at the university. Students who are non-degree-seeking [major codes NONDEGREGR] petition the Office of the Provost. At the time of application for reinstatement from academic suspension, students desiring to change their major from one college to another must submit a Request for Academic Record Change (ARC) form along with a petition for reinstatement to the associate dean of the school to which they wish to be admitted. Courses taken at another college or university while students are on suspension from UHCL may not fulfill UHCL graduate degree requirements. Such courses may only be used with special permission from the associate dean and it is advisable to include a transcript with the petition, in addition to having an official transcript sent to the Office of Admissions. Students petitioning for reinstatement over five years after their last term of attendance at UHCL must also resubmit official transcripts from universities and colleges previously attended. Records from previous institutions are destroyed after five years of academic inactivity.

Students who have not been enrolled for at least one year must file an admissions application with the Office of Admissions and meet the requirements for readmission of former students after reinstatement has been granted.

If students are allowed to enter the university after academic suspension, they enter on academic probation and will remain in that status until their cumulative GPA meets the minimum requirement of 3.000 for graduate students. A student who is reinstated must undergo mandatory advising and a registration hold will be placed on his/her record until such time that he/she returns to academic good standing. Disciplinary suspensions are not covered by this policy. For details of the UHCL disciplinary policy, see the Student Life Policy Handbook.

Early reinstatement from suspension - domestic graduate students

A graduate student who feels that they had extenuating circumstances beyond their control which affected their academic performance, may make a request for consideration for early reinstatement to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.

A written petition should address the circumstances that led to the student’s academic difficulties, how the circumstances have changed and what additional steps the student intends to take to improve their academic performance if they are readmitted. Attached to the request should be a copy of transcripts showing the student’s academic history at other institutions that the student might have attended while under suspension. The student must also provide documentation that substantiates the extenuating circumstances referenced in the petition.

Early reinstatement is not automatic. The gravity of the circumstance and the student’s academic history will be considered in making a determination on whether the petition should be granted.

Early reinstatement is granted only once during a student’s graduate career. A student who, subsequent to their early reinstatement, is placed on academic suspension will have to follow the regular reinstatement policy and procedure applicable for their situation.

Early reinstatement decisions made by the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs are final.

Early reinstatement from suspension - international graduate students

A graduate student who feels that they had extenuating circumstances beyond their control which affected their academic performance, may make a request for consideration for early reinstatement to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.

In order to avoid the consequences that academic suspension has on an international student’s immigration status, an early reinstatement request will be accepted and reviewed only if the international student has followed the academic recovery plan developed in conjunction with the Student Success Center and the student’s academic adviser while under mandatory academic probation counseling.

A written petition should address the circumstances that led to the student’s academic difficulties, how the circumstances have changed and what additional steps the student intends to take to improve their academic performance if they are readmitted. Attached to the request should be a copy of transcripts showing the student’s academic history at other institutions that the student might have attended while under suspension. The student must also provide documentation that substantiates the extenuating circumstances referenced in the petition.

Early reinstatement is not automatic. The gravity of the circumstance and the student’s academic history will be considered in making a determination on whether the petition should be granted.

Early reinstatement is granted only once during the student’s graduate career. A student who, subsequent to their early reinstatement, is placed on academic suspension will have to follow the regular reinstatement policy and procedure applicable for their situation.

Early reinstatement decisions made by the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs are final.

Academic Honesty Policy

Preamble and Code

Academic honesty is the cornerstone of the academic integrity of the university. It is the foundation upon which the student builds personal integrity and establishes a standard of personal behavior. The university can best function and accomplish its mission in an atmosphere of the highest ethical standards. The university expects and encourages all students to contribute to such an atmosphere by observing all accepted principles of academic honesty. This policy is designed to encourage honest behavior and is jointly administered by faculty and students.

HONESTY CODE: The Honesty Code is the university community’s standard of honesty and is endorsed by all members of the University of Houston-Clear Lake academic community. It is an essential element of the university’s academic credibility. It states:

I will be honest in all my academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty.

Section I: Responsibilities

Joint Responsibility: Students and members of the faculty are jointly responsible for maintaining the academic integrity of the university by following the Academic Honesty Code and by refusing to participate in or tolerate scholastic dishonesty.

Student Responsibility: All students at the University of Houston-Clear Lake are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in all academic work attempted while enrolled at the university. This standard of conduct includes reporting incidents of alleged violation of the honesty policy to the instructor involved or, if necessary, to the appropriate academic dean. Each student acknowledges, by the mere act of turning in work for a grade that he or she has honored the Academic Honesty Code.

Faculty Responsibility: Faculty are responsible for helping students comply with the Academic Honesty Policy by noting the Honest Code on the class syllabus. Instructors should help minimize student temptation to violate the code by enacting adequate security precautions in the preparation, handling and administering of graded work. Instructors are responsible for discussing incidents of alleged violation of the Honesty Code with the student involved, outlining authorized penalties for violation of the Honesty Code and notifying the student’s academic dean of record and the Dean of Students when a determination has been made that a student has violated the Honesty Code, regardless of which type of academic sanction the instructor chooses to administer.

While all students are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal academic honesty, it is recognized that some students may not meet these standards. This policy is designated to address, in a uniform manner, cases of alleged violation of the Honesty Code.

Section II: Violations

Honesty Code Violations: Any conduct or activity by a student intended to earn or improve a grade or receive any form of credit by fraudulent or dishonest means is considered an Honesty Code violation. In addition, engaging in any conduct including the following examples which a reasonable person in the same or similar circumstances would recognize as academic dishonesty is considered a violation. Examples of violations of the Honesty Code include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Acquiring information:
    1. Acquiring information for any assigned work or examination from any source not authorized by the professor.
    2. Working with another person or persons on any assignment or examination when not specifically permitted by the instructor.
    3. Observing the work of other students during any examination.
    4. Using, buying, selling, stealing, soliciting, copying or possessing, in whole or part, the contents of an unadministered examination.
    5. Purchasing, or otherwise acquiring and submitting as one’s own work, any research paper or other writing assignment prepared by others.
  2. Providing information:
    1. Providing answers for any assigned work or examination when not specifically authorized by the instructor to do so.
    2. Informing any person or persons of the contents of any examination prior to the time the examination is given.
  3. Plagiarism:
    1. Incorporating the work or idea of another person into one’s own work without acknowledging the source of that work or idea.
    2. Attempting to receive credit for work performed by another person, including papers obtained in whole or part from individuals or other sources.
    3. Copying copyrighted computer programs or data files belonging to someone else.
    4. Conspiracy - agreeing with one or more persons to commit any act of academic dishonesty.
  4. Fabrication of information:
    1. Falsifying the results obtained from a research or laboratory experiment.
    2. Presenting results of research or laboratory experiments without the research or laboratory experiments having been performed.
    3. Substituting for another student to take an examination or to do any academic work for which academic credit will be received. Changing answers or grades after an academic work has been returned to the student and claiming instructor error.
    4. Submitting work for credit or taking an examination and employing a technique specifically prohibited by the instructor in that course, even if such techniques would be acceptable in other courses.
  5. Abuse of resource materials:
    1. Mutilating, destroying, concealing, stealing or altering any materials provided to assist students in the completion of academic work, including library books, journals, computer files, microfilm and microfiche files, materials placed on reserve by the instructor or any such materials as the instructor may provide or assign.
    2. Copying any data files or copyrighted computer program(s) for one’s own personal use or the use of others.
    3. Copying without permission of the owner, or mutilating or destroying any copyrighted media, printed or electronic (for example, film, video, music, graphics, art, photography or manuscript).
    4. Failure to report - failing to report to the instructor any incident in which a student witnesses an alleged violation of the Academic Honesty Code. Details regarding the Academic Honesty Enforcement Procedures, Resolutions, Sanctions and Academic Honesty Council can be found in Student Life Policies in hard copy and on-line at the UHCL website and in the Faculty Handbook on-line at the UHCL website. Further policies governing alteration or misuse of university documents or furnishing false information to university officials may also be found in Student Life Policies or online at the UHCL website.


The dean of students shall retain a copy of all Honesty Code Violation Forms. If the sanction imposed is a final grade penalty, suspension or expulsion, the registrar’s office is notified and a record of the notification is maintained in the registrar’s office according to the prescribed operating procedures of that office. If the student is found in violation of the Honesty Code and the penalty is anything except suspension or expulsion, the form does not become a part of the student’s permanent record or transcript. Instead, it is retained by the dean of students. If the student is found in violation of the Honesty Code and the penalty is suspension or expulsion, the record becomes part of the student’s permanent academic file and the notation of “Disciplinary Suspension” or “Disciplinary Expulsion” is placed on the transcript. In the case of suspension, the notation will be removed at the conclusion of the specific suspension period at the written request of the student. In the case of expulsion, the entry is noted permanently.

University Degree Requirements

UHCL has established minimum requirements for graduate course work leading to the Doctor of Education, Doctor of Health Service Psychology (Clinical Psychology/School Psychology), Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Healthcare Administration and Master of Healthcare Administration/Master of Business Administration degrees. All graduate students must have an approved Candidate Plan of Study (CPS) that fulfills all university requirements and all degree program requirements. The university requirements for doctoral degrees are:

  • Fulfillment of specific degree program requirements. Requirements are reported in the relevant school sections of this catalog.
  • Courses selected from those numbered 7000 or higher (see specific requirements for numbers of hours in the relevant school section).
  • 9-12 hours of dissertation are required as specified in the relevant school section of this catalog.
  • The Residency Requirement may be met by taking 9 or more hours in each of two consecutive long terms, in each of three consecutive summer terms, or in each of two consecutive summer terms and in one of the two intervening long terms.

Please see the College of Education  or the College of Human Sciences and Humanities  for the details of courses required in doctoral programs.

The university requirements for the master’s degree are:

  • Fulfillment of specific degree program requirements. These requirements are reported in the college section of this catalog.
  • Each master’s degree must require a total of no less than 30 credit hours. Each school within the university retains the right to set minimum hour requirements in excess of 30 hours for its degrees.
  • At least 24 hours must be selected from courses numbered 5000 or higher.
  • At least 18 of the final 30 semester hours must be taken in residence.
  • Completion of three or more hours of one of the master’s degree option. The individual schools establish the options to be available and set the number of hours in each option.
  • Colleges may allow no more than 25% of courses at the 3000 or 4000 level, exclusive of any foundation courses, or equivalent to apply toward the total number of hours required for a master’s degree.
  • A minimum of a 3.000 cumulative grade point average on course work taken at UHCL. No grade lower than a C is acceptable toward a graduate degree.
  • Correspondence and non-resident credit may not be applied toward a graduate degree.
  • Successful completion of at least one of the following requirements: comprehensive examination; thesis, project, residency or internship; or extended course work with a capstone course of a comprehensive nature.


The University of Houston-Clear Lake may use educational assessment tools. “Educational Assessment” is defined as the systematic collection, interpretation, and use of information about student demographics, educational environments, learning outcomes, and professional success. These assessment tools will not affect student grades, but will provide faculty with confidential detailed information that will be used to improve student learning, courses, curriculum, and program accreditation.

Time Limitation on Past Course Work

Courses completed more than five years prior to the most current admission to graduate study at UHCL may not be counted toward fulfillment of the required number of hours unless approval is granted by the appropriate dean. It is the prerogative of the Department Chair, in consultation with the faculty member responsible for the corresponding rubric to determine whether the courses meet current standards of the discipline; and, whether students can demonstrate sufficient retention of the previous content. The Department Chair will forward the recommendation to the dean of the college.

Limitation on Courses in the College of Business for Graduate Students

Degree-seeking graduate students outside the College of Business must limit their programs of study to less than 50 percent of their course work in the College of Business.

Dual Degrees: Bachelor’s to Master’s

The dual Bachelor’s\Master’s programs allow students to earn both degrees in five years. Students begin work on their Master’s degree during the final year of their Bachelor’s degree.

  • Bachelor’s (minimum 120 hours) to Master’s (minimum 30 hours) degrees provides students the opportunity to earn degrees at an accelerated pace. In this program undergraduates with 90 or more credit hours may be allowed to enroll in graduate classes and count up to 6 graduate credit hours toward their Bachelor’s degree. The same 6 graduate credit hours may also count towards a Master’s degree.
  • Graduate courses utilized for a Bachelor’s degree cannot be utilized for a graduate degree outside of the accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s degree program.
  • No more than six graduate hours can be taken as an undergraduate.
  • In the dual degree program no more than 6 hours of graduate work may be counted toward the requirements of both degrees and at least 24 of the required 30 graduate hours must be taken at the5000 level or 6000 level.
  • Students must apply to the dual degree program the semester before completing their Bachelor’s degree requirements.
  • Students interested in this program must meet with a dual degree adviser in their college before enrolling in graduate courses.
  • Students admitted to dual degree programs should have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better. Students with a GPA of less than 3.0 must take the GRE or GMAT. (See individual college requirements for appropriate examination and for acceptable scores.)
  • A student who becomes ineligible to participate in or withdraws from the accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s program cannot double count any courses for both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. However, courses successfully completed with a 3.0 or better may count toward the Bachelor’s degree as appropriate substitutions.
  • Students in dual degree programs receive the Bachelor’s degree upon completion of the master’s degree.
  • Students in dual degree programs not completing the Master’s degree may apply for graduation with the bachelor’s degree.
  • Dual degree program students must complete the undergraduate residency requirements.

Dual Graduate Degree Policy

(Simultaneous, Non-Simultaneous and Dual Degrees)

The University of Houston-Clear Lake has approved a policy that permits schools to apply graduate credit earned at UHCL toward more than one UHCL graduate degree. Specific requirements and approvals are completed by the individual college.

Additional Master’s Degrees

Students possessing a master’s degree from UHCL or another accredited college or university may earn an additional master’s degree in a different degree program by satisfying the general requirements for the master’s degree. Under certain circumstances, credit from one UHCL graduate degree may be applied towards a second UHCL graduate degree. The following provisions apply only to masters programs of36 hours or more. Students should be aware that a course taken more than five years earlier cannot be applied towards a degree, unless approval is granted by the dean of the college. With respect to the provisions which follow, colleges choosing to offer additional masters degrees reserve the right to set additional requirements for degrees awarded by that college including the right to not offer such degrees. Students should be aware that the faculty of the individual colleges as set forth in the colleges’ procedures determine the approved Candidate Plan of Study in all cases of graduate work.

Simultaneous UHCL Master’s Degrees

Students pursuing two master’s degrees simultaneously may earn both degrees by completion of a special “Simultaneous Master’s Degree CPS” subject to the following provisions:

  • Fulfillment of all specific degree program requirements in each degree including a separate master’s degree option (i.e. comprehensive exam, thesis, residency, internship or extended course work with a capstone course or a comprehensive exam) for each degree. These requirements are reported in the college section of this catalog.
  • At least 60 hours must be selected from the 5000 or 6000 levels.
  • At least 30 unique hours must be selected from courses from the 5000 and 6000 level or their equivalents in each degree.
  • At least 48 of the final 60 semester hours must be taken in residence.
  • Colleges may allow not more than 25 percent of courses at the 3000 or 4000 level, exclusive of any foundation courses, or equivalent courses, to apply toward the total number of hours required for each of the master’s degrees.
  • A minimum of a 3.000 cumulative grade point average on course work taken at UHCL in each degree. No grade lower than a C is acceptable towards a graduate degree.
  • The faculty of the program areas will determine the appropriate CPS.

Note: Students with the Simultaneous Master’s Degree CPS, who wish to complete only one of the two degrees, must follow the basic university graduate degree requirements for that degree.

Non-Simultaneous UHCL Master’s Degrees

Students pursuing an additional master’s degree may earn the additional degree by completion of a special “Additional Master’s Degree CPS” subject to the following provisions:

  • Fulfillment of all specific degree program requirements in each degree including a separate master’s degree option (i.e. comprehensive exam, thesis, residency, internship or extended course work with a capstone course or a comprehensive exam) for each degree. These requirements are reported in the college section of this catalog.
  • At least 24 unique hours must be selected from courses from the 5000 and 6000 level or their equivalents for the additional degree.
  • At least 24 semester hours must be taken in residence.
  • College may allow not more than 25 percent of courses at the 3000 or 4000 level, exclusive of any foundation courses or equivalent courses, to apply toward the total number of hours required for the additional master’s degree.
  • A minimum of a 3.000 cumulative grade point average on course work taken at UHCL in the additional degree. No grade lower than a C is acceptable toward a graduate degree.
  • The faculty of the program areas will determine the appropriate CPS.

Master’s and Doctoral Degree Options

All master’s and doctoral option course work requires continuous enrollment until completion. See Automatic Enrollment - Graduate Option Course Work. Students enrolled in at least three hours of graduate option course work, excluding the capstone course, will be considered full time for purposes of enrollment verification for loan deferment, but not for purposes of determining eligibility for veteran’s benefits or financial aid. Students who plan to graduate at the end of their last semester of Master’s Option enrollment must file an application to graduate by the stated deadlines.

Option 1: Master’s Thesis

The Master’s Thesis requires continuous registration until completion, for a minimum of six hours; some programs may require more than six hours. If a student does not maintain continuous registration in the master’s thesis, previously accumulated master’s thesis credits will not count toward the master’s degree. A grade of In Progress (IP) will be recorded on the transcript until completion. For details, please consult the appropriate academic adviser. All students registering for thesis must submit a copy of both the “Steps in Completing a Thesis” and the “Thesis Preparation Guide.” These may be obtained from the associate dean of their college. Individual colleges may provide additional information regarding specific college requirements.


The master’s thesis must present evidence of:

  • A thorough review and understanding of the literature.
  • The ability to do independent research.
  • The preparation of a manuscript that conforms to generally recognized standards of scientific and scholarly writing in the discipline. The dean of each college will provide, on request, a copy of the procedures for registering for thesis work, selecting an adviser and thesis committee, writing a proposal in advance of starting work, preparing the manuscript, presenting the thesis for approval and submitting the thesis in approved electronic format for archiving by Neumann Library. The Library will make the thesis freely available online through the UHCL Institutional Repository. Students may have hard copies of their thesis bound for personal use.

Option 2: Master’s Project

The master’s project requires continuous registration until completion, for a minimum of six hours; some programs may require more than six hours. If a student does not maintain continuous registration in the master’s project, previously accumulated master’s project credits will not count toward the master’s degree. A grade of In Progress (IP) will be recorded on the transcript until completion.


The master’s project may be widely and variously conceived but must present evidence of:

  • A careful review and understanding of the relevant literature and other knowledgeable sources.
  • The ability to do independent scholarship and/or field study: to carry out and/or assess a major practical application of theory or methods from the discipline.
  • The preparation of a report and other materials, as appropriate, which conform to recognized professional and scholarly standards. The dean of the college will provide a copy of the procedures for registering for project work, selecting an adviser, preparing the proposal and the report and presenting it for approval. After approval, the project will be submitted in approved electronic format for archiving by Neumann Library. The Library will make the project freely available online through the UHCL Institutional Repository. Students may have hard copies of their project bound for personal use.

Option 3: Master’s Residency or Internship

  • Graduate Residency: Requires continuous registration until at least six semester hours of residency have been completed; some programs may require more than 6 hours. A grade of In Progress (IP) will be recorded on the transcript until completion. For details, please consult the appropriate academic adviser.
  • Graduate Internship: Depending upon the program, a minimum of three semester hours will be required. A grade of In Progress (IP) may be assigned for internship programs. For details, please consult the appropriate academic adviser.

The master’s internship and residency are designed to provide important learning experiences complementary to the academic preparation gained in course work. In general, the residency must represent application of master’s level instruction to materials or situations that are new to students. The internship should provide an opportunity for students to evaluate the relevance of theoretical or academic perspectives to the work environment.

Option 4: Extended Course Work

The extended course work option requires at least six semester hours of course work in addition to the minimum of 24 hours of course work numbered 5000 or higher. Option 4 also requires successful completion of a capstone course or a comprehensive examination.

Option 5: Exhibition

The master’s exhibition requires continuous registration until completion for a minimum of six hours. If a student does not maintain continuous registration in the master’s exhibition, previously accumulated master’s exhibition credits will not count toward the master’s degree. A grade of In Progress (IP) will be recorded on the transcript until completion.


The master’s exhibition must present evidence of:

  • The ability to work independently to develop, produce, and exhibit work that meets industry standards for distribution to arts organizations and placement in public arenas such as museums and galleries.
  • The preparation of materials that meet or exceed discipline-specific professional and scholarly standards. These include: a digital portfolio; an artist’s statement, biography, and resume; an artist’s web presence; and a reflective report on the exhibit. The dean of the college will provide a copy of the procedures for registering for exhibit work, selecting an adviser, preparing the proposal, and submitting the required work in approved electronic format to the student’s exhibit committee, the Office of the Dean, and the UHCL Neumann Library. The Library will make the work freely available online through the UHCL Institutional Repository. Students may retain rights to their work for later use.

Master’s Option Appeals

Students may appeal previous academic actions or decision by faculty members regarding master’s degree options 1, 2, 3 or 5 by following the academic appeals process.

Requesting and Repeating Comprehensive Examination

Students who have selected degree programs requiring comprehensive examinations are responsible for requesting the examinations in writing from the dean of the college by the deadline set by the college for the examination. Associate deans and/or chairpersons of students’ degree committees offer guidance concerning students’ readiness for the examination and the form of the request. Students who have been reported to a dean for failing a comprehensive examination may request a second comprehensive examination no sooner than the next semester after the semester in which the examination was failed. Normally, comprehensive examinations will not be administered more than two times. Appeals to this policy will follow the normal academic appeals process.

Graduation under a Particular Catalog

As long as students maintain continuous enrollment, they are entitled to graduate under the degree provisions in effect at the time the Candidate Plan of Study (CPS) is filed. Degree-seeking students should file a CPS during the first semester of enrollment at UHCL. Filing of the CPS is completed when it is signed and dated by the appropriate dean and is effective on that date. Failure to enroll in and satisfactorily complete at least one course in a 12-month period shall break continuous enrollment for the purpose of the CPS. The dean may require revision of the CPS of students who have not maintained continuous enrollment. The revisions may bring the plan into conformance with provisions of any catalog issued after that in effect when the plan was filed or last revised. Students may, with the approval of their adviser or dean, amend their CPS to comply with the provisions of catalogs issued after the initial filing of the CPS. Degree requirements must be completed within five years from the effective date of the CPS. Exceptions may be granted by the appropriate dean. Graduate students exceeding the time limit will automatically come under the provisions of a more recent catalog, the specific edition to be determined by the dean.

Applying for Graduation

Degrees are not awarded automatically upon completion of degree requirements. To be considered a candidate for graduation, the student must submit an online application for graduation via their student E-Services account. Degree candidates must officially apply for graduation within the first three weeks of the semester in which they plan to graduate, but no later than the date specified in the Academic Calendar. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for online graduation application dates and deadlines to avoid additional late fee charges. To be eligible to apply for graduation, students must have completed or be enrolled in the final courses required to meet graduation requirements. A non-refundable fee is required of all students who intend to complete their degree regardless if they choose to participate in the commencement ceremony. Degree candidates, who are in two separate programs and anticipate completing the degree requirements for each program, must apply and pay separate non-refundable graduation application fees for each program. If students do not successfully complete their degree requirements at the close of the semester for which they have applied, they will be required to reapply and pay another fee during the subsequent semester in which they intend to graduate. Students who elect to participate in the commencement ceremony must “walk” in the semester they graduate. As there is no commencement ceremony in the summer, students who graduate in August will be eligible to participate in the December ceremony. Diplomas are mailed after the final approval is received from the graduating student’s college. Diplomas are mailed to students 10 to 12 weeks after the end of the semester. Diplomas are mailed to the mailing address on record at the time of graduation. Students who graduate from UHCL must complete a new application and pay the applicable fee in order to continue taking classes.