Mar 03, 2025  
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog

New Student Admissions

Office of Admissions

Admission Statuses

Admission is defined as permission to enroll in courses for academic credit. Students can be admitted as degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking. Admission to the university does not guarantee the admission to specific majors or academic programs. Undergraduate applicants may be admitted as new or returning students.

New Undergraduate Students

New, high school or transfer students are those who were never enrolled beyond the census date at UHCL.

Post-baccalaureate students

Post-baccalaureate students have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher and will enroll in undergraduate status at UHCL. These students may be degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking. Some post-baccalaureate students may seek teacher certification (see Teacher Certification).

Returning Students

Former undergraduate students are those who have previously attended UHCL but have not enrolled during the past three consecutive semesters. Former students can return immediately to their prior program by submitting the following:

  • Undergraduate Re-admit Application, via the online application website;
  • Non-refundable application fee; and,
  • Official transcript(s) of any coursework completed since the last semester of enrollment at UHCL. Other transcript(s) of completed coursework may be required, if not previously submitted or if no longer on file.

Former students applying to enroll in a different degree program must meet the current admissions requirements for that program.

Students Returning from Academic Suspension or Deficiency

  • Former students who left the university due to academic suspension or deficiency must be reviewed for reinstatement by the appropriate college’s associate dean or designee.
  • Non-degree-seeking students requiring reinstatement are reviewed by the Vice President of Strategic Enrollment Management or designee.


Student Degree Status Options and Changes

Degree-seeking students

Degree-seeking students are those who will apply for admission to academic degree programs.

Non-degree-seeking students

Non-degree-seeking students are seeking admission for reasons other than the pursuit of a degree (e.g., personal enrichment, job enhancement or teacher certification).

Non-degree-seeking students are not eligible for financial aid and must reapply as degree-seeking to pursue a degree at UHCL in a future semester.

Important Information:

  • Credit earned in non-degree status will not automatically be applicable to academic degree programs.
  • Some courses are restricted for enrollment of degree-seeking students.
  • The number of hours taken in non-degree status that can be applied to a student’s Candidate Plan of Study (CPS) may be limited.

For more information on non-degree-seeking statuses, see Summer Visiting Freshman and Transient Students.

Status Changes

Career Changes (Undergraduate to Graduate)

Post-baccalaureate applicants can request to change their career to graduate (or vice-versa) once without submitting a new application or application fee to the Office of Admissions.

  • Applicants may be asked to reapply online when making this request to an enrollment management counselor; however, the application fee will not be assessed on the initial request.

Degree Status Changes

(Degree-seeking to Non-degree-seeking)

Undergraduate applicants (including post-baccalaureate students) can change from degree-seeking to non-degree-seeking by submitting a Transfer/Graduate Application Update form to an Enrollment Management counselor or the Office of Admissions. 

  • If this change is completed by the first day of classes, it will be effective for the current semester. Program changes requested after the first day of classes should be sent to admissions via the appropriate advising office.
  • Enrolled degree-seeking students who wish to become non-degree-seeking after the census date can request a change of status through the Registrar’s office. An Academic Records Change form must be completed.
(Non-degree-seeking to Degree-seeking)
  • Non-degree-seeking applicants who have not enrolled can request to change their application status to degree-seeking. To change statuses, applicants must submit an Application Update form to the Office of Admissions. Applicants may not be eligible to change to degree-seeking if all applicable documentation is not on file or if GPA/test score requirements are not met.
  • Non-degree-seeking students who have enrolled must reapply to change to degree-seeking status. All documents are required to be on file in the Office of Admissions and any applicable GPA/score requirements must be met.

Acceptance into a Degree Program

Acceptance into a degree program is determined by the Office of Admissions. Some programs may have additional admission requirements.

Transfer credit from other institutions and credit earned at UHCL may not automatically apply to or be applicable toward the completion of UHCL degrees.

  • Technical coursework is not applicable toward academic program requirements. UHCL technical degree programs allow only specific types and amounts of technical credit in transfer (see Granting Credit by Exception).
  • Coursework applicable to UHCL degree requirements is confirmed once the Candidate Plan of Study (CPS) has been completed by the academic department and provided to students.
  • Returning students who were not enrolled for 12 consecutive months must contact their academic advisor to receive their revised CPS. The new CPS may contain new or revised degree requirements, as coursework formerly included may no longer be acceptable toward the current UHCL degree.

Notification of Admission

Upon receipt of all required documentation, the Office of Admissions will determine applicant’s admissibility to UHCL and notify them of their admission decision. Notification occurs through the Student Services Center, by mail and/or email. If accepted, students will receive additional information regarding next steps from various departments, including but not limited to orientation, registration and advising offices.

Admission Appeals Process

Applicants who complete their admissions file but do not meet university admission requirements are automatically provided a Departmental Individual Review. Applicants denied through individual review may request an appeal of the admission decision by completing the required admission appeals processes and submitting to the Office of Admissions. 

To be eligible for an Admissions Appeal, applicants must submit the following:

  • Admissions Appeal form, available on the Office of Admissions’ website in the forms section;
  • A Personal Statement indicating reasons for their past academic performance and plans for future success.
  • Updated official high school transcript and test scores (as applicable).
  • Updated transfer transcripts (if applicable).
  • Applicants may also include documentation of the following: employment experience, special abilities such as bilingual proficiency, meeting family responsibilities, individual achievement(s), leadership activities, public service, military service or any additional information believed to be relevant to the request for reconsideration.

A complete application packet of all required documents and scores (if applicable) must be on file in the Office of Admissions prior to the review.

English Proficiency Requirements for Applicants Educated Outside of the United States

All applicants educated in countries where English is not the official language must demonstrate English proficiency. This proficiency demonstration is required during the admissions process. The intent of this policy is to ensure applicants have reasonable chance to succeed academically, based on their ability to comprehend, speak and write in English. The English proficiency requirement may be met by qualifying under one of the following criteria: *

  • Earning a U.S. high school diploma or conferred degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education (e.g., associate degree, baccalaureate degree or higher). Applied Science degrees cannot be used to waive the English proficiency requirement.
  • Earning qualifying test scores from the SAT, ACT, TAKS, STAAR or Stanford exam (see TSI Assessment Exemptions through Test Scores).
  • Achievement Tests (for deaf students only). Specific exemption information can be obtained by contacting the Office of Admissions.
  • Earning 12 or more transferrable hours in subjects (English, speech, and heavy reading-related subjects, such as government, political science, history, etc.) from regionally accredited institutions of higher education with grades of C or higher; six of the 12 hours must be in English composition. English as Second Language courses (ESL or ESOL) do not count toward English proficiency exemptions.
  • Official Pearson Test of English (PTE) scores of 53 or higher.
  • Official International English Language System (IELTS) scores of 6.0 or higher.
  • Successful completion of ELS Level 112 - Intensive English Program
    • ibT TOEFL scores of 79.

* Teacher Certification applicants require different criteria for English Proficiency (see Teacher Certification).

Academic Fresh Start

Academic Fresh Start is an opportunity for new and former students to have coursework earned 10 or more years ago ignored for admission purposes.* Once disregarded, this coursework cannot be used at UHCL for purposes of admission, course prerequisites or degree requirements.

Official transcripts from all colleges attended, including coursework completed 10 or more years ago in Texas, must be sent to University of Houston-Clear Lake, Office of Admissions. Students eligible for Academic Fresh Start must meet current admission requirements using the coursework taken within the past 10 years.

To learn more about Academic Fresh Start, applicants should contact an enrollment management counselor in the Office of Admissions, provide a written request of their intention to enroll under Academic Fresh Start and sign the Academic Fresh Start Acknowledgment form, found on the Office of Admissions’ website in the forms section.

* Exceptions: Students who were originally exempt from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) due to coursework completed prior to fall 1989 and have chosen to ignore those hours by enrolling at UHCL under Academic Fresh Start will still be considered TSI exempt. Students who have earned bachelor’s degrees are not eligible for this option.

Transcripts and Records Information

U.S. Transcript Requirements

High schools must be accredited by either the Texas Education Agency or the appropriate regional association of schools and colleges.

Transcripts from Colleges or Universities

For admission purposes, UHCL will accept official transcripts from regionally accredited colleges and universities. UHCL will also consider applicable credit from institutions recognized by The Council on Higher Education (CHEA) and the U.S. Department of Education (DOE).

For purposes of transfer credit, UHCL only considers academic coursework in evaluating hours earned for transfer admissions purposes. For more information on acceptable transfer coursework, see Transferrable Credit.

Application Procedures

On their application for admission, applicants must include all previous schools attended. Degree-seeking students must submit official transcripts from each college or university attended.

The Office of Admissions must receive all documents by the appropriate deadline (see Deadlines). An official transcript of any coursework in progress, prior to or during enrollment at University of Houston-Clear Lake should be sent to the Office of Admissions immediately after grades are posted. To expedite processing, applicants should request that transcripts be sent electronically. UHCL’s preferred method of transcript delivery for high school coursework is via EDI or SPEEDE electronic download for transfer coursework and by TREx electronic downloads. Mailed or hand-delivered transcripts from applicants must be no more than 60 days old and enclosed in a sealed envelope from the issuing institution.

If a student knowingly withholds information or submits fraudulent information regarding enrollment at another accredited institution, their application to UHCL may be rescinded, and they may be administratively withdrawn from classes without a refund of fees paid.

International Transcript and Documents Requirements

School Accreditation Status

International transfer schools or universities must be listed among the recognized institutions of the International Association of Universities (UNESCO) or the ministry of education of the appropriate country.

Transcripts from International Institutions

UHCL applicants, who attended international institutions must provide the Office of Admissions with official transcripts confirming all academic studies attempted and completed for the admissions review. Required transcripts must also include mark (grade) sheets and any earned or pending degree(s) and/or diploma(s). If initially in-progress or pending, confirmation of course completion or graduation is required for re-enrollment at UHCL.

Transcripts and/or mark sheets must be in the original language and accompanied by official English translations (if applicable). These documents should clearly indicate dates of attendance, subjects taken, marks (grades) earned and reflect any degrees/diplomas awarded.

Official transcripts must be sent directly to University of Houston-Clear Lake by the registrar of each institution attended. When delivery by the former institution’s registrar is not possible, documents certified by an embassy or consular official as “true copies” may be accepted. Scanned or photocopies of documents that are not certified will not be accepted.

Students requesting to transfer specific undergraduate coursework completed outside of the U.S. should be prepared to provide an official evaluation of coursework completed from a UHCL-accepted evaluation service such as SDR, any member of NACES, or AACRAO. A course syllabus may also be needed for some courses to determine course level for equivalency to UHCL coursework. Additionally, some required core courses cannot be transferred from non-Texas institutions.

Any appropriate credit will be granted according to UHCL degree requirements in effect at the time of enrollment or reapplication to the university. If all required documentation is received, an official evaluation for transferring students will be completed during the first semester of enrollment.

Transferable Credit

Acceptable Institutions

Transfer colleges must be regionally accredited, recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), or may be nationally accredited by the appropriate ministry of education for overseas studies (see Acceptable Coursework).

Acceptable Coursework

College-level (non-remedial/developmental) academic coursework completed at regionally accredited institutions is generally accepted when courses are compatible with UHCL academic coursework and applicable to students’ programs of study. All other coursework, including credit completed at institutions of higher education having recognized or national accreditation are reviewed case-by-case, requiring the following two criteria be met for acceptance:

  • Courses must be equivalent to those offered at UHCL and will be reviewed on a course-by-course basis by the appropriate academic department.
  • Courses must fulfill established degree requirements for graduation, as either elective or program-specific course credit and will be reviewed on a course-by-course basis by the appropriate academic faculty or dean for applicability to student programs of study.
Granting Credit by Exception

Credit may be granted for courses taken through various non-collegiate organizations, based on recommendations made by the American Council on Education (ACE) or Commission on Educational Credit, when such training is considered by UHCL to be at the baccalaureate level and consistent with students’ educational objectives. These types of credit will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the appropriate academic department’s faculty or dean.

  • Developmental and remedial courses, as well as courses classified as below freshman level at the institution where the student took them are not transferable and will not count toward a degree at UHCL.
  • Technical coursework is not applicable toward academic program requirements. UHCL technical degree programs allow only specific types and amounts of technical credit to transfer. The exception to this policy is for Bachelor of Applied Sciences and Nursing programs. Technical credit will automatically be accepted to satisfy specific degree requirements for the eligible Bachelor of Applied Sciences and Nursing programs.
  • Courses will transfer to UHCL at the same level and with the corresponding number of hours that were earned at the transfer institution, with some exceptions such as quarter hours. Quarter hours will be converted to semester credit hours.
  • Grades from other institutions are not transferable. The official UHCL grade point average is based only on coursework completed in residence at UHCL. Students cannot satisfy baccalaureate degree requirements at UHCL using coursework taken at another institution unless the course is both accepted by the university in transfer and applied toward the baccalaureate degree(s).
Core Curriculum Credit Requirements

The following clarifications apply to the transfer of core curriculum credit:

  • Students who transfer to UHCL from another Texas public institution of higher education where they have successfully completed all transfer institution’s Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board-approved core curriculum shall be considered “core complete,” and shall not be required to take additional courses to complete UHCL core curriculum.
  • Students transferring to UHCL from institutions that do not have Coordinating Board-approved core curriculum may use transfer credit to satisfy UHCL core curriculum requirements. When no current equivalency exists for specific course(s) or when course content/level must be determined, students may submit a syllabus and request a review.
  • A maximum of 75 semester hours of lower-division (freshman and sophomore) transfer work can be applied toward a baccalaureate degree at UHCL. Degree requirements for specific majors will determine the number of lower division courses that are accepted in transfer. The classification of courses as lower division is based on their external level and their classification at UHCL.
Earning a UHCL Degree

To earn a bachelor’s degree at UHCL, students must complete 25% of their final program credit hours in residence. For a standard 120-hour degree program, that would be equal to 30 semester credit hours.

Unless prohibited by one or more of the general regulations above, the appropriate college dean will make final decisions on application of transfer credit to degree programs.

Developmental or Remedial Transfer Coursework

Developmental or remedial transfer coursework is non-transferable. This credit is not used to determine eligibility to UHCL, nor toward any degree or scholarship requirement.

Dual Credit or Early College Coursework

High school applicants, who earned college credit before receiving a high school diploma are considered freshmen for admission purposes. Applicants who graduate from high school in a spring term and earn credit in the summer term immediately following their high school graduation are still considered freshmen for admission purposes. These students should apply to the university as freshmen, regardless of hours or degrees earned.

Transfer credit is evaluated for UHCL course equivalency, upon receipt of required college transcripts. Freshmen (dual credit or early college) who are admissible without submitting college transcripts should send those documents to the Office of Admissions immediately after admission for proper application of course credit towards their current degree plan. Receipt of completed college courses will assist in determining any applicable test assessment waivers and provide the most accurate advising during the UHCL course enrollment process. UHCL’s fastest and preferred method of transcript delivery is EDI or SPEEDE system download for college transcripts and TREx for high school documents (these types of electronic documents will download coursework directly into our PeopleSoft system).

Repeated Transfer Courses

All transferable coursework attempted (including repeated courses) will be used to determine the cumulative transfer grade point average required for admission. If students repeat a course(s), the last grade earned for that course will be counted toward fulfillment of UHCL degree requirements. However, if students have repeated a core course, the best attempt may be used.

Teacher Certification and Language Requirements

Teacher Certification

Students can complete a teacher certification program, with or without earning a degree at UHCL. Those who have already earned a bachelor’s degree and plan to complete undergraduate teacher certification without simultaneously enrolling in a graduate degree program can complete certification coursework in post-baccalaureate (PB) status.

Teacher Certification English Language Requirements
  • Verification of minimum scaled scores of 79 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet -Based (TOEFL iBT). Minimum scores must be submitted directly to TEA (agency code) 8225. Scores must be as follows:
    • Speaking: 24
    • Listening: 22
    • Reading 22
    • Writing 21
  • Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States, not including U.S. Territories.
  • Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree, at an institution of higher education in a country outside of the U.S., approved by the State for Educator Certification (SBEC) as listed below:*
American Samoa Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda
Australia Bahamas Barbados
Belize  Bermuda British Virgin Islands*
Cayman Islands Canada (except Quebec) Dominica
Gambia Ghana Gibraltar
Grand Canyon Grenada Guyana
Jamaica Liberia Nigeria
Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Trinidad/Tobago
Turks and Caicos United Kingdom* U.S. Pacific Trust

*British Virgin Islands include - England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. United Kingdom includes - West Indies.

Freshman Admissions

To be considered for admission, applicants must apply online via the application website and submit official transcripts, entrance examinations, and any required individual review materials by the appropriate deadlines (see Application Procedures).

The current Application Fee is $45.

The Application Fee is non-refundable and can be paid by credit card (VISA, Discover, or Mastercard). After submitting the admissions application, you will gain access to E-Services on your UHCL student portal and can pay online. The application fee can also be paid in person at the Office of Student Business Services.

High school students who earned dual college or concurrent enrollment credit prior to graduation are considered freshmen for admission purposes. Freshmen applicants who do not enroll in their applied semester may delay their admission for two semesters following the receipt of their initial application. To request a change to a future semester, students should submit a Freshman Application Update form, which can be found on the Office of Admissions’ website.

Automatic Admission

In compliance with state law, applicants who graduate in the top 10% of their high school class and who successfully complete either the Foundation Program at the Distinguished Level of Achievement, the Recommended High School Program, or the Distinguished Achievement Program will receive automatic admission to UHCL. To be eligible for consideration under this option, applicants must have graduated from high school no more than two years prior to the academic year for which they are applying for admission.

Applicants in the top 10% of their class are required to submit either SAT* or ACT* scores and must participate in university success programs if they do not earn the following:

  • SAT: a minimum score of 480 reading/writing section and 530 in the Math section, or
  • ACT: a minimum score of 23 on the ACT Composite; English 19, Math 19.
Assured Admission

Applicants who meet the State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy and meet UHCL requirements are assured admission.

Admission Criteria *

Admission Type

Top 50%

Assured Admissions

3.0 or Higher

Assured Admissions

2.5 or Higher with minimum 20 ACT

Assured Admissions

2.5 or Higher with minimum 1000 SAT

Assured Admissions

If Assured Admission Not Met

 Individual Review

*Admission Criteria - is review by Class Rank and Calculated Unweighted

GPA on a 4.0 scale.


Test-Optional Policy 
*UHCL has approved a permanent test-optional policy to waive the ACT/SAT requirements effective fall 2024. Freshmen are not required to submit an ACT/SAT score to receive an admission decision, but are encouraged to submit scores if available. If you would like to be considered under the Test-Optional Policy, you must indicate it on the admissions application. If you do not indicate it on the application you can update this information by indicating it on the Freshman Application Update form. The Application Update form must be submitted to the Office of Admissions. 
Admission Under Individual Review

Applicants who do not meet UHCL automatic admissions requirements will be considered under individual review by admissions officers.

During individual review, applicants may be asked to submit additional information required to finalize the admission decision. This documentation may include:

  • New SAT or ACT scores
  • An updated high school transcript with senior grades
  • A college transcript with completed coursework

Applicants denied in individual review, may complete the admissions appeal process (see Admissions Appeal Process section).

Applicants are required to submit:

  • Personal statement addressing reasons for past performance and plans to assure future success.

Other information that may assist in the appeal processes includes:

  • Employment experience
  • Individual achievements
  • Leadership activities
  • Public service
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Military service


Conditional Admission

Applicants who do not meet UHCL automatic admissions requirements maybe eligible to be Conditionally Admitted under Individual Review.

  • Conditional admission is likely available to students with a GPA >= 2.5 but< 2.75 
  • If conditionally admitted, students will need to attend the Summer Engagement Academy Program and successfully complete six credit hours with a C or above.


Important Information:

All students applying to UHCL must meet Texas Uniform Admissions Requirements and satisfy the state’s TSI Requirements.

Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Sixth/Seventh Semester Grades: The university will evaluate and admit applicants based on their high school academic records, with a minimum of six completed semesters. Final transcripts showing high school graduation are required once students have graduated high school.
  • Accredited High Schools: Applicants graduating from high schools accredited by either the Texas Education Agency or the appropriate Regional Association of Schools and Colleges will be admitted if they meet current UHCL admission requirements.
  • Non-accredited High Schools: Applicants graduating from high schools that are not accredited by either the Texas Education Agency or the appropriate Regional Association of Schools and Colleges will be reviewed for admissions by Admissions Officers in individual review.  
  • GED/U.S. High School Equivalency: The university recognizes GED and some other U.S. High School Equivalency examinations as equivalent to high school graduation. Applicants who submit U.S. Certificates of high school equivalency and satisfactory SAT or ACT scores will be considered for admission by Admissions Officers in Individual Review. 
  • Home-Schooled Applicants: Documentation of home-schooled studies is required for admissions consideration, along with official SAT/ACT scores.

Applicants should use the following institution codes to send UHCL their official test score results:

  • SAT - 6916
  • ACT - 4171
(SAT and ACT scores must download electronically into our Student Information System)

State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy

University of Houston-Clear Lake abides by the State of Texas Uniform Admissions Policy (Texas Education Code 51.803-51.809), which requires that all applicants meet one of the following college readiness standards to be eligible for admissions consideration at Texas four-year, public institutions.

Applicants must:

  • Successfully complete the Foundation Distinguished, Recommended or Advanced High School Program from a Texas public high school or the portion of the program that was available to them;


  • Satisfy the College Readiness Benchmarks on the SAT or ACT assessment:
    • SAT - 1500 out of 2400 (Verbal + Math + Writing); or,
    • ERWS=480, MSS=530; or,
    • ACT - 18 English, 22 Reading, 22 Mathematics and 23 Science

Applicants who do not meet the Texas Uniform Admissions Policy, based either on their high school program or one of the assessment tests must prove readiness by submitting the appropriate signed exemption form to the Office of Admissions.

Summer Visiting Freshmen - (Non-Degree-Seeking)

Freshmen who will receive a high school diploma before the next available fall semester can enroll at UHCL in summer visiting status. A six-semester transcript and application fee are required for admission.

Visiting freshmen may enroll in up to six hours of coursework at UHCL in transient status and are not eligible for financial aid. To continue enrollment as regular students, visiting students must reapply as degree-seeking, using the online application site and meet regular freshman admissions requirements. Visiting freshmen who reapply as degree-seeking in the next available fall semester will not be charged the application fee.

Adult Freshman Admissions (Degree-seeking)

Adult freshmen who have not met UHCL’s Assured Admissions or Test Optional admissions requirements may be considered for admission, if they meet all the following qualifications:

  • They are at least 25 years of age.
  • They graduated from a U.S. high school or received a U.S. high school equivalency certificate at least three years prior to the semester of application.
  • They are permanent residents of the United States.
  • They are not currently enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education; and, they have not earned college-level, transferrable credit or a prior degree in an accredited program.
  • Applicants must provide an official high school transcript with the graduation date posted or an official high school equivalency certification to the Office of Admissions. High school records must meet UHCL’s current High School Curriculum Policy (SAT/ACT scores are not required).

Transfer Admissions

Transfer applicants will be admitted if they have earned a minimum of 12 semester credit hours (in a fall or spring term after high school graduation) and meet the appropriate admissions GPA requirements. These students should apply online using the application for transfer students and submit all required documentation by the deadline.

The current Application Fee is $45.

The Application Fee is non-refundable and can be paid by credit card (VISA, Discover, or Mastercard). After submitting the admissions application, you will gain access to E-Services your UHCL student portal and can pay online.  The application fee can also be paid in person at the Office of Student Business Services.

Transfer applicants who do not enroll for the semester applied may be eligible to update their application for the next two available semesters by submitting a Transfer/Graduate Application Update form. This form can be found on the Office of Admissions’ website.

Transfer Admissions Requirements for Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor of Science Degrees

Semester Credit Hours/Required Cumulative GPA*  
0-11 Must meet freshman criteria
12-29 2.75
30-44 2.25
45 or more 2.00

All grades earned from regionally accredited institutions of higher education on the official transcript(s) will be used for admissions purposes. Plus-and-minus designations and remedial/developmental coursework are not used to determine the cumulative undergraduate transfer GPA. Students must be in good standing at the last institution attended.

*GPA calculation for admission includes all applicable academic grades and the hours earned for any transferable test credit, if listed on official transcripts. Test credit received electronically from agencies and any non-traditional credit received may be accepted after admission, if equivalent to coursework offered at UHCL and applicable to the student’s degree plan (see Transfer Credit Information).

Non-traditional course credit (such as ACE, military, etc.) may be added/requested after admission and applied toward degree requirements or electives. Test credit (paper copies or those downloaded from the agency) will be applied after students are admitted.

Associate Degrees

Applicants who have earned associate degrees may be admitted if they have:

  • Earned an Associate of Arts, Associate of Arts in Teaching or Associate of Science degree from regionally accredited institutions; and,
  • Earned at least 54 hours of academic coursework.

Applicants who do not meet transfer admissions requirements may be reconsidered through a departmental review by Enrollment Management officials or by faculty serving on the Admissions Appeal Committee.

Transient Admissions Requirements (Non-Degree-Seeking)

Transient students must have earned 12 transferable college hours. These students can enroll in non-degree-seeking status for only one regular spring or fall semester or in both summer sessions with the intent to transfer this coursework to another institution. Transient students are not eligible to receive financial aid.

To enroll, students must provide official documents from each institution attended and must be eligible to return immediately to the last school attended. Registration in some courses may require prerequisites or permission from the academic department.

Transients who wish to become regular students at UHCL must reapply in degree-seeking status by submitting a new application through the application site and submitting the $45 application fee to the Office of Admissions. To be admitted, students must meet the appropriate transfer admissions requirements.

Post-Baccalaureate Admissions

Post-baccalaureate (PB) applicants have earned bachelor’s degrees or higher and are seeking to enroll in additional coursework at the undergraduate level. Applicants may enroll either as degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking.

Degree-seeking PB applicants must submit transcripts from each institution attended and may not enroll in graduate coursework without departmental permission.

PB applicants who apply in non-degree-seeking status should only submit transcripts from the last institution attended, as well as the school where their highest degree was earned, if different. Non-degree-seeking PB students are not eligible for financial aid.

Students who graduated from UHCL and wish to enroll in additional coursework must complete a new application and submit the appropriate application fee.

Bachelor of Applied Science Degrees - Technical

UHCL offers a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Interdisciplinary Studies. The BAS degree has three tracks: one in the College of Business, one in the College of Education and one in the College of Science and Engineering. Each program has its own specific requirements.

College of Business

Applicants can be considered for the Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Healthcare Services track in the College of Business if they meet all of the following requirements.

Applicants must have earned:

  • An Associate of Applied Science in an Allied Health-related field
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.000 or higher
College of Education

Applicants can be considered for the Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Educator of Young Children track in the College of Education if they meet all the following requirements.

Applicants must:

  • Have earned an Associate of Applied Science degree in an Early Childhood discipline, or have earned 33 semester credit hours with at least 15 technical or vocational hours in an Early Childhood discipline; and,
  • Meet the university’s current transfer admissions GPA requirements.
College of Science and Engineering

Applicants can be considered for the Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Information Technology track in the College of Science and Engineering if they meet all the following requirements. 

Applicants must:

  • Have earned an Associate of Applied Science degree in Information Technology or a related field, or have earned 33 semester credit hours with at least 15 technical or vocational hours in an IT or related discipline; and,
  • Meet the below GPA requirements and must have credit for (can include AP credit): 
    • MATH 2413- Calculus I and MATH 2415- Calculus II
    • CHEM 1311- General Chemistry and CHEM 1111- Laboratory for General Chemistry
    • PHYS 2325- University Physics I and PHYS 2125- Laboratory for University Physics I



All college level work attempted


All calculus courses and math courses with calculus prerequisites


All college level science courses** required by major


All college level non-remedial English courses


All college level engineering courses



*In the calculation of each GPA, the most recent attempt taken at any institution is used-even if a higher grade was earned in a prior attempt.

**CHEM 1311/1111, PHYS 2325/2125, PHYS 2326/2126

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN)

Registered Nurses (RN) can earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN) to improve their leadership and management skills and advance their careers as nurse managers.

Applicants must have:

  • Earned an Associate Degree in Nursing (A.D.N. or AAS) from an accredited institution or a Diploma in Nursing; and,
  • Earned a cumulative GPA of 2.000 on all college work attempted; and,
  • Completed all lower-level nursing courses with a grade of C or better and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.500; and,
  • Have a current RN license granted in the United States (or verification release).*
* Verification of the RN license is required; applicants’ proof of RN license will be verified by the UHCL Nursing department, after submission of application.
Hawk Connection

Hawk Connection is a program that allows community college students to experience university life while still enrolled as freshmen or sophomores at a community college. Students can join as soon as they enroll in community college, and the $45 admissions application fee will be waived.

Benefits include a signed combined community college and University of Houston-Clear Lake degree plan under the current UHCL catalog, in addition to participation in many on-campus activities. Many other benefits are outlined in the program guide.

To be eligible to participate in this program students must:

  • Have completed fewer than 36 semester credit hours on all college coursework;
  • Be in good academic standing;
  • Attend a required advising meeting to learn about the many benefits of the program; and,
  • Sign a Hawk Connection agreement.

For more information about Hawk Connection, or to schedule an advising meeting, contact the Hawk Connection Coordinator in the Office of Transfer Advising at 281-283-3068, visit our website or email to

Texas Success Initiative - TSI

The Texas State Education Code requires all students to demonstrate proficiency in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics before their initial enrollment in a Texas institution of higher education. Students seeking to enroll must demonstrate college readiness by taking the Texas Success Initiative Assessment and meeting the established cut-off scores, or by qualifying for an exemption.

TSI Assessment Test Scores

TSI Score Requirements

Mathematics - 350
Reading - 351
Writing - a placement score of at least 340, and an essay score of at least 4; or a placement score of less than 340, and an ABE Diagnostic level of at least 4 and an essay score of at least 5.

TSI Assessment Exemptions through Test Scores

Students are exempt from taking the TSI Assessment and are considered college ready if they obtain the following scores on one of the examinations listed below:

  • SAT-(Scholastic Assessment Test) Prior to March 1, 2016: A combined Critical Reading and Math score totaling 1070 or higher, with at least 500 or higher in Critical Reading and 500 or higher in Math. A partial exemption is granted to students whose combined score is 1070 and scores a minimum of 500 in either section, but not both.
  • SAT-(Scholastic Assessment Test) Effective March 1, 2016: Students must score 480 on the Evidence Based Reading/Writing exams and 530 on the Math exam.
  • ACT-(American College Testing) A composite score of 23 is required with a minimum 19 on the English and corresponding mathematics sections (accepted within 5 years from the date of testing). A partial exemption is granted when students have a composite score of 23 and a minimum score of 19 in either section, but not both.
  • STAAR-(State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness): A minimum score of Level 2 on the English III end-of-course (EOC) will exempt students from English and Writing requirements. Level 2 of the Algebra II end-of-course (EOC) will exempt students from the Math requirement.
TSI Assessment - Other Exemptions

Students are exempt from taking the TSI Assessment and are considered college ready, if they qualify for one of the following exemptions:

  • Degree exemption: Students must have earned associate degrees or higher from a regionally accredited U.S. institution of higher education. Associate of Applied Science degrees are not accepted.
  • Previous institution exemption: Transfer coursework determined to have met readiness standards by a prior state institution in Texas.
  • Coursework exemption: Transfer coursework determined to be equivalent to required coursework by the state and UHCL where a grade “C” or higher was earned.
  • Transient status waiver: Temporary waivers are granted for coursework taken by students in non-degree-seeking transient status for personal enrichment. These students will not be pursuing undergraduate degrees.
  • Military service waiver: Students serving on active duty, as members of the U.S. armed forces, Texas National Guard, a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces or as service members. Student must have served for at least three years preceding enrollment. A copy of the member’s military card and a recent LES statement is required.
  • Prior military service exemption: Available to students who were honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as members of the U.S. armed forces, the Texas National Guard or who served as members of a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces on or after Aug. 1, 1990. A copy of the student’s DD214 is required.

Please note that an exemption or waiver from the TSI requirement is not automatic. Documentation proving qualification is required. Applicants may be required to provide test scores, transcripts, military documents or other appropriate documentation to be considered for a TSI waiver or exemption. Applicants should consult the Testing Center’s website for the most recent TSI information.

Transfer Credit Information

Evaluation of Undergraduate Credit

Evaluation of U.S. transfer coursework occurs for degree-seeking students after all official transcript(s) have been received in the Office of Admissions. Credit earned at transfer institution(s) and any test credit received are evaluated during the initial transfer credit review. AP/CLEP scores received that were not listed on an official transcript from a transfer school are evaluated after admission.

The application of transfer credit toward a degree at the university cannot be determined until the official transcript has been articulated and a degree plan is made. Therefore, students should request their transcript(s) be sent as soon as all credit is posted at their prior institution.

Applicants having any outstanding international documentation must submit original international documents to the Office of Admissions, as well as official translations and mark sheets, if applicable. Additionally, an evaluation of international credentials is required from one of the following agencies: NACES, SDR, or AACRAO evaluation services. Alternatively, students may submit the appropriate course syllabus information for review.

Official documents received by the Office of Admissions will not be returned to the student.

Transfer credit will be processed during the first semester of enrollment, provided all required documentation is received, including a syllabus or course evaluations, if required.

Degree plans

Program departments are responsible for developing student degree plans. Students may refer to applicable online degree plan information that details general lower- and upper-level degree requirements by specific program. Alternatively, they can refer to the online Transfer Credit Guide to review information listed regarding UHCL course equivalencies.

Awarding Test Credit

UHCL may award college credit for Advanced Placement examinations (AP) and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). The university does not limit the number of hours earned through credit by examination directly from the appropriate agency, or in-transfer toward a bachelor’s degree.

To receive AP or CLEP credit previously given in transfer, UHCL must receive official transcripts showing credit has been accepted at another regionally accredited institution of higher education in Texas. Applicable credit will be applied during the admissions process.

CBE credit towards UHCL coursework must be applied prior to the student’s enrollment in any corresponding college coursework at UHCL.

International Baccalaureate

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) offers courses and examinations at the high school level. In accordance with Section 51.968 of the Texas Education Code, UHCL will grant a maximum of 24 semester credit hours in appropriate subject areas to entering freshmen who successfully complete the program. The institution may grant fewer than 24 semester credit hours as applicable or if students receive scores of less than four.

Students can submit official IBDP transcripts and diplomas in person or by mail to the Office of Admissions. All IB transcripts must be enclosed in the original, sealed envelopes. Additional information about ordering IB transcripts can be obtained from the following website:

Transfer Appeals

Students can appeal transfer credit decisions by contacting the Office of Admissions and submitting a detailed explanation and supporting documentation (if applicable) regarding the basis of their request. After faculty review, a decision will be rendered regarding the acceptability of the course. Appeals will be reviewed by the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Transfer Credit Dispute

Transfer disputes, as defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, may arise when a lower-level course is not accepted for credit by a Texas institution of higher education. Any dispute between institutions involving transfer of lower-level credit will be handled according to the guidelines and procedures established by the Coordinating Board. A copy of the Coordinating Board guidelines maybe obtained in the Office of the Provost.

Non-Traditional Credit

The Office of Admissions evaluates non-traditional learning experiences based on supporting credentials and petitions submitted by students. Credit for courses taken through various non-collegiate organizations is based on recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE). In some academic degree programs this credit may not be applicable to coursework.

Credit for courses taken at military service training schools is based on the recommendations made in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services. Students seeking military credit should submit an official transcript from AARTS, SMART or Coast Guard agencies.

Non-traditional credit is not accepted for graduate-level work.

HB 269 Military Service Credit

HB 269 allows Texas universities to award course credit to undergraduate students for military service if certain requirements are met. Eligible veterans can receive college credit for:

  • All required physical education courses needed for their degrees.
  • Up to an additional 12 semester credit hours of general elective coursework.

Credit is awarded based on service, not for any college-level courses that may have been taken while serving in the military.

In order to be eligible to receive college credit for military services, students must have:

  • Graduated from a public or private high school accredited by a generally recognized accrediting organization; or, from a high school operated by the U.S. Department of Defense.
  • Completed a minimum of two years of service in the armed forces, unless discharged due to disability.
  • Been honorably discharged from the armed forces.

Additional information regarding HB 269, including the process of applying to receive military service credit can be found at

UHCL Transfer Degree Plans

University of Houston-Clear Lake has developed a series of articulation agreements with community colleges in the Houston area. Transfer degree plans are used to guide prospective students in choosing recommended coursework at their college, and to aid them in transferring to UHCL. Students who plan to attend or who are currently attending one of the following colleges are encouraged to work closely with the counseling offices at these institutions as they prepare to transfer. UHCL transfer degree plans may be obtained at each of these locations:

  • Alvin Community College
  • Brazosport College
  • College of the Mainland
  • Galveston College
  • Houston Community College
  • Lee College
  • Lone Star College System
  • San Jacinto College System
  • Wharton County Junior College