The undergraduate program in Social Work is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). This educational program leads to the Bachelor of Social Work degree (BSW). Social work foundation content is found in nine interrelated areas: human behavior and the social environment (HBSE), social welfare policy, social work research, social work values and ethics, diversity, promoting social and economic justice, working with populations at risk, social work practice and field placements. Considerable attention is focused on the vulnerable populations found in the Houston/Galveston metropolitan area.
The integration of content focused on diversity, values, ethics, and social justice throughout the curriculum is facilitated by the adoption and implementation of the generalist practice perspective. Generalist practice applies a wide variety of theoretical perspectives reflecting an integrated bio-psycho-social approach, professional values, and ethics and skills with diverse persons, families, groups, organizations, and communities utilizing the Planned Change Process.
Once a student has identified social work as a major, they must also apply for and receive formal admission to the BSW program. Students must complete the following requirements to be eligible for consideration for formal admission to the program:
- Completion of Texas Core Requirements (see University Core).
- Completion of Introduction to Psychology with a grade of “C” or higher.
- Completion of Introduction to Sociology with a grade of “C” or higher.
- Completion of one of the following natural science courses: General Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, General Biology for non-science majors or The Human Body.
- Completion of SWRK 2361 with a grade of “C” or higher
- Cumulative grade point average of 2.500 or higher.
Students are encouraged to meet with UHCL BSW program faculty early in the process when considering a social work major in order to expedite graduation. For any updates regarding accreditation-related curricular changes, please contact the BSW program faculty.
Once all prerequisites for admission have been completed, a student may apply for formal admission to the BSW program at any time throughout the academic year. The application packet must include the following documents and information:
- Admission application and corresponding checklist.
- An unofficial copy of all college transcripts
- Three recommendation forms from previous instructors or work supervisors; forms are provided by the program.
- A 4-6 page autobiographical statement. Applicants should be certain that their autobiographical statement is a strong sample of their ability to express themselves in writing. The statement should include a description of the student’s educational, professional, and/or life goals; personal and professional objectives; social work or human service experience; contact, exposure to, or experience with diverse groups; and any other information the student believes may be important when considering his/her application for admission to the program.
Application packets are available on the BSW program website, at the HSH Office of Advising, and through program faculty. Of important note, the curriculum listed below is not presented in the order the courses should be taken. Students are again encouraged to visit with BSW program faculty or HSH Advising for questions about course sequencing.