Mar 04, 2025
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog
Human Sciences and Humanities
- ANTH 3311 - Contemporary Cultural Anthropology Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 3330 - Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Global Health Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 3334 - Human Sex, Culture, Health Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 3357 - Topics in African Studies Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 3358 - Topics in Middle Eastern Societies Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 3361 - Anthropology of Food Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 3362 - Medicine and Culture Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 4301 - Studies in Cultural Diversity Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 4333 - Mexico, Central America, and Borderlands Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 4341 - Gender and Sexuality in Global Perspectives Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 4334 - Native Americans Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 4343 - Anthropological Perspectives on World Religion Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 4352 - World Prehistory and Archaeology Credit Hours: 3
- ANTH 4391 - Selected Topics in Anthropology Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 1311 - Design Foundations Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 1314 - Dance Appreciation Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 1316 - Drawing Foundations Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 1325 - Drawing for Non-Art Majors Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 1371 - Photography for Non-Art Majors Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 2316 - Painting Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 2371 - Digital Photography 1 Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 2379 - Arts and the Child Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3310 - Sculpture Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3320 - Ceramics Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3331 - Intermediate Drawing Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3333 - Life Drawing Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3335 - Intermediate Painting Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3340 - Printmaking Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3341 - Fibers Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3352 - Darkroom Photography Credit Hours:
- ARTS 3360 - Graphic Design Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3361 - Advanced Web Design
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75
- ARTS 3365 - 3D Computer Modeling
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75
- ARTS 4132- Independent Study in Art
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 65 - ARTS 4189 - Independent Study in Art Credit Hours: 1
- ARTS 4300 - Methods in Elementary Art Education Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4301 - Methods in Secondary Art Education Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4302 - Crafts Design Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4310 - Advanced Sculpture Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4311 - Process Sculpture Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4320 - Advanced Ceramics Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4321- Raku
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75 - ARTS 4331 - Advanced Drawing Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4332 - Advanced Life Drawing Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4335 - Advanced Painting Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4339 - Silkscreen Printing Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4340 - Advanced Printmaking Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4341 - Advanced Fibers Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4348 - Information Design Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4350 - Advanced Darkroom Photography Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4351 - Advanced Digital Photography Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4352 - Video Arts Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4358 - History and Theory of Graphic Design Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4363 - Advertising Design Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4365- 3D Animation
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75 - ARTS 4368 - Graphic Novel Design Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4369 - Digital Illustration Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4370- Gender and Identity in the Visual Arts
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75
- ARTS 4371- Renaissance Art
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75
- ARTS 4372- Studies in Western European Art
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75
- ARTS 4373- Impressionism
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75 - ARTS 4374 - Modern Art Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4375- Contemporary Art
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75
- ARTS 4376- Studies in Non-Western Art
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 75 - ARTS 4377 - Topics in Contemporary Art Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4380 - Typeface Design
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 65 - ARTS 4389 - Independent Study in Art Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4390 - Senior Seminar in Art Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4391 - Selected Topics in Art History Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 1307 - Introduction to Mass Communication Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 1315 - Public Speaking Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 3360 - Web Design Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 3361 - Advanced Web Design
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 60 - COMM 4323 - Public Relations Campaigns Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 4346 - 2D Animation
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 65 - COMM 4350 - 3-D Computer Modeling Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 4351 - 3-D Animation Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 4352 - Photojournalism Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 4354 - Video Production I Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 4355 - Narrative Video Production Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 4356 - Magazine Publication
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 65 - COMM 4357 - Documentary Video Production Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 4358 - Publication Design Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 4359 - Studio-Based Video Production Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 4391 - Selected Topics in Communication Credit Hours: 3
- CRIM 4384 - Statistics Credit Hours: 3
- GEOG 4304 - Princ. of Map Reading and Interpr.
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 30 - GEOG 4312 - Human Geography Credit Hours: 3
- GEOG 4314 - Teaching Geography Credit Hours: 3
- GEOG 2321 - Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems Credit Hours: 3
- GEOG 4322 - Problems in Geographic Info Sys
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 30 - GEOG 4323 - Geographic Information Systems Design and Implementation Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3319 - Colonial Latin America Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3321 - Modern Latin America Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3323 - History of Mexico Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3325 - Colonial America Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3327 - The New American Nation Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3329 - Antebellum America Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3333 - Growth of Industrial America Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3345 - Reel America I Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3347 - Reel America II Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 3341 - Women in American History Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 4303 - Reel Europe Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 4305 - Nazi Cinema and Third Reich Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 4307 - Holocaust: History, Literature, and Film Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 4309 - Studies in Latin American History Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 4311 - Studies in Native American History Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 4315 - Studies in African American History Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 4323 - The Vietnam War in Film Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 4329 - History of Feminism Credit Hours: 3
- HIST 4391 - Selected Topics in History Credit Hours: 3
- HLTH 2110 - Team Games and Sports Credit Hours: 1
- HLTH 2113 - Individual Games and Sports Credit Hours: 1
- HLTH 2115 - Innovative Games and Sports Credit Hours: 1
- KINE 3301 - Health, Emergency Care and First Aid Credit Hours: 3
- HLTH 3302 - Health and Physical Education EC-6 Survey Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 3303 - Sports Nutrition Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 3304 - Principles of Physical Fitness Credit Hours: 3
- HLTH 3315 - Health Promotion Planning and Evaluation Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 3316 - Applied Kinesiology Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 3317 - Neurophysiologic Control of Movement Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 4301 - Exercise Physiology Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 4302 - Biomechanics Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 4305 - Introduction to Sports Medicine Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 4307 - Strength and Conditioning for Sports Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 4308 - Scientific Foundations of Strength and Conditioning Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 4309 - Research Practicum Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 4370 - Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Physiology Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 4379 - Internship Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 4391 - Selected Topics in Kinesiology Credit Hours: 3
- HUMN 1301 - Humanities Credit Hours: 3
- HUMN 3375 - Ideas in Transition Credit Hours: 3
- HUMN 4195 - Cooperative Education
Fee Type: Co-op
Fee ($): 75 - HUMN 4308 - Perspectives in Women’s and Gender Studies Credit Hours: 3
- HUMN 4326 - Studies in Film Credit Hours: 3
- HUMN 4375 - Senior Seminar
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 20 - HUMN 4391 - Selected Topics in Humanities Credit Hours: 3
- NURS 3323 - Community Health Nursing Project Credit Hours: 3
- PHIL 3331 - Ethics Credit Hours: 3
- PSYC 3315 - Psychological Thinking Credit Hours: 3
- PSYC 4308 - Introduction to Women’s Studies
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 15 - PSYC 4314 - Child Psychology Credit Hours: 3
- PSYC 4327 - Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis Credit Hours: 3
- PSYC 4332 - Psychology of Work Credit Hours: 3
- PSYC 4334 - Psychology of Gender Credit Hours: 3
- PSYC 4370 - Nonexperimental Methods and Statistics Credit Hours: 3
- PSYC 4371 - Experimental Methods and Statistics Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 1301 - Introduction to Sociology Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 1306 - Social Problems Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 3351 - Political Sociology Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 4308 - Perspectives in Women’s and Gender Studies Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 4312 - Social Structure: Class, Power, and Status Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 4322 - Theories of Society Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 4363 - American Immigration and the Immigrant Experience Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 4379 - Internship in Human Services
Fee Type: Practicum
Fee ($): 30 - SOCI 4384 - Statistics Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 4385 - Research Methods Credit Hours: 3
- SWRK 4301 - Introduction to Social Work
Fee Type: Special
Fee ($): 15 - SWRK 4363 - Experimental Methods and Statistics Credit Hours: 3
- SWRK 4370 - Nonexperimental Methods and Statistics Credit Hours: 3
- SWRK 4619 - Social Work Internship I Credit Hours: 6
- SWRK 4629 - Social Work Internship II Credit Hours: 6
- WGST 3341 - Women in American History Credit Hours: 3
- WGST 4329 - History of Feminism Credit Hours: 3
- WGST 4334 - Psychology of Gender Credit Hours: 3
- WGST 4370 - Gender and Identity in the Visual Arts Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4366 - Propaganda and Persuasive Images Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4353 - Portrait Photography Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4312 - Art of Ancient Iraq and the Near East Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4315 - Art of the Ancient Greek World Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4322 - Roman Art Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3355 - Latin American Art of the Twentieth Century Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3356 - Mexican Art, 1500-Present Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3357 - History and Theory of Photography Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3369 - Illustration Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 4289 - Independent Study in Art Credit Hours: 2
- ARTS 3305 - Digital Photography 2 Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3350 - Art 1900-1950 Credit Hours: 3
- ARTS 3351 - Art 1950-Present Credit Hours: 3
- COMM 3350 - Visual Communication Credit Hours: 3
- GAME 1301 - Foundations of Games I Credit Hours: 3
- GAME 1302 - Foundations of Games II Credit Hours: 3
- KINE 2303 - Personal Health and Fitness Credit Hours: 3
- PSYC 3335 - Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience Credit Hours: 3
- PSYC 2317 - Statistical Methods in Psychology Credit Hours: 3