The graduate plan in biotechnology leads to the Master of Science degree. This innovative and interdisciplinary master’s degree program offers an industry focus on a comprehensive exploration of basic science, applied science, and lab science. The biotechnology graduate program at UHCL provides a solid foundation in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and genomics. The student’s course of study qualifies them for careers in research and development, teaching, or private industry. Students must specialize in one of the following areas:
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
- Biotechnology Management
The GRE is optional. The suggested GRE score (verbal + quantitative) should be a minimum of 290 points, with a minimum quantitative score of 150, verbal score of 140 and writing score of 3.5. The required GPA should be 3.0 or higher.
Students must submit transcripts of past college and university experience. Students who do not submit and/or do not meet college GRE/or GPA standards will be required to meet additional performance criteria by submitting three professional or academic letters of recommendation, a resume, and a personal statement detailing future work and research plans.
Successful applicants should have completed the basic requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences or a related field or have completed the following courses (including prerequisites or equivalents) before applying for admission: