Mar 04, 2025  
2025-2026 Graduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Graduate Catalog

Biotechnology M.S.

The graduate plan in biotechnology leads to the Master of Science degree. This innovative and interdisciplinary master’s degree program offers an industry focus on a comprehensive exploration of basic science, applied science, and lab science. The biotechnology graduate program at UHCL provides a solid foundation in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and genomics. The student’s course of study qualifies them for careers in research and development, teaching, or private industry. Students must specialize in one of the following areas:

  • Molecular Biotechnology
  • Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
  • Biotechnology Management

The GRE is optional. The suggested GRE score (verbal + quantitative) should be a minimum of 290 points, with a minimum quantitative score of 150, verbal score of 140 and writing score of 3.5. The required GPA should be 3.0 or higher.

Students must submit transcripts of past college and university experience. Students who do not submit and/or do not meet college GRE/or GPA standards will be required to meet additional performance criteria by submitting three professional or academic letters of recommendation, a resume, and a personal statement detailing future work and research plans.

Successful applicants should have completed the basic requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences or a related field or have completed the following courses (including prerequisites or equivalents) before applying for admission:


Additional Information

  • Students must select from BIOL 4344  or BIOL 4345  Or BIOL 4343 .
  • In all cases for basic requirements, evidence of completion of the course with a grade of C or better is required.
  • Students must be registered concurrently for both the lab and discussion course BIOT 5021 /BIOT 5011 .  The course BIOT 5130 Methods in Biotechnology can substitute for BIOT 5021/BIOT 5011.
  • Students missing some basic requirements may be admitted to the program on the condition that such courses will need to be taken at UHCL within the first 18 hours.
  • Students can count up to three credit hours of upper division 4000-level undergraduate work towards their 30 MS credit hours.

Core Requirements (9 hours)

The master’s degree requires completion of 30 hours. All core requirements and biotechnology electives must be completed with a grade of C or better and a GPA of ≥ 3.0 must be maintained.

All graduate students in the biotechnology program must complete a Candidate Plan of Study (CPS) with their assigned faculty advisor before they complete 9 hours of graduate credit. Courses completed past the initial nine hours that are not on the approved CPS may not be counted toward the degree.

Although the Master of Science in Biotechnology does not require independent study, research courses or experiences, co-op (internship), field experience (practicum) or thesis, these options are available, and students are strongly encouraged to participate in these courses and experiences.

In addition to the following required courses, there are additional required courses for each specialization: Refer to Biotechnology Program Specialization Areas and Electives sections.

Required Courses

Biotechnology Extended Coursework Option

Under the extended coursework option, a minimum of 27 hours of coursework in one of the three specialization areas, of which 18-24 hours (depending on the specialization) must be biotechnology (BIOT) courses and three hours of BIOT 6838 - Research Project and Seminar  taken in the last 12 hours. Non-thesis students who complete BIOT 5530  as an elective will still be required to complete BIOT 6838 .

Biotechnology Thesis Option

The thesis option requires a minimum of 21 hours of biotechnology (BIOT) courses in one of the three specialization areas, BIOT 5530 - Research Methods in Biotechnology , and six hours of BIOT 6939 - Master’s Thesis Option . Graduate students who are pursuing the master’s thesis option are advised to consult with their faculty advisor early in their studies for guidance in preparation for beginning the thesis and register for BIOT 5530 - Research Methods in Biotechnology  early in their studies.

If students take more than 6 hours of BIOT 6939 , they are not able to count them toward their degree and they will only receive a grade for 6 hours. Once they enroll in the course, students must stay continually enrolled until they graduate. Any hours above the six will show a credit only with no grade.

Biotechnology Program Specialization Areas and Electives

Specialization Prerequisites

Please be informed that there are additional prerequisites for each specialization/concentration. In all cases for specialization requirements, evidence of completion of the course with a grade of C or better is required.

Molecular Biotechnology Specialization

The Master of Science in Biotechnology with a Specialization in Molecular Biotechnology requires 30 hours of coursework, of which 24 hours must be biotechnology (BIOT).

Additional Information

Molecular Biotechnology Specialization Electives (3-9 hours)

Specialization Prerequisites

Bioinformatics/Computational Biology Specialization

The Master of Science in Biotechnology with a Specialization in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology requires 30 hours of coursework, of which 18 hours must be in biotechnology (BIOT). Additional prerequisites for the Bioinformatics/Computational Biology Specialization (UHCL course or equivalent) are:

Specialization Prerequisites

UHCL course or equivalent.
Additional Information

  • Students must complete CSCI 1320 , CSCI 2305  , andCSCI 4333   or DASC 5333   in the listed order as each one is a pre-requisite for the following course.
  • Students must complete CSCI 4333   or DASC 5333 
  • In all cases for specialization requirements, evidence of completion of the course with a grade of C or better is required.
Additional Information

CSCI 5833  must be taken prior to CSCI 5933 .

Bioinformatics/Computational Biology Specialization Electives (3-9 hours)

Biotechnology Management Specialization

The Master of Science in Biotechnology with a Specialization in Management requires 30 hours of coursework, of which 18 hours must be in biotechnology (BIOT). Additional prerequisites for the Biotechnology Management specialization (UHCL course or equivalent) are:

Specialization Prerequisites

UHCL course or equivalent.
Additional Information

  • If students have not taken MGMT 3301  and MGMT 4354  they may take MGMT 5032  to fulfill the foundation requirements of this specialization.
  • In all cases for specialization requirements, evidence of completion of the course with a grade of C or better is required.
Additional Information

Designated Electives

Students are required to take 3 of the following electives:

Biotechnology Management Specialization Electives (3-9 hours)

Additional Information

  • Students enrolled in the Management specialization cannot take more than 15 hours of Management.