Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

History, M.A.

The graduate program in History leads to the Master of Arts (M.A.) degree. Students may enroll with degrees from other fields, although undergraduate training in History is desirable. GRE completion is not required for applicants to this program. Applicants with a last 60-hour GPA of 3.0 or higher or for those who have completed advanced degrees will be automatically admitted. Those with a last 60-hour GPA below 3.0 will be individually reviewed by program faculty who will make an admission decision based on the application file.

Degree Requirements

All students seeking the Master of Arts degree in History must complete HIST 5031  in the first 12 hours of course work. This course is offered in the fall semester only. Students must also take at least one course in each of the four regions that the program offers: Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States.

Master’s degree candidates prepare a Candidate Program of Study (CPS) with the assistance and approval of an adviser. All master’s degree options must contain a minimum of 36 graduate semester credit hours. Only courses in which a grade of “B-” or better is earned may be applied toward any of the programs for a Master of Arts Degree in History; grades of “C+” or below are not acceptable.

Master’s Degree Options

Master’s theses and projects (Option 1 and 2 below) require continuous registration during each fall and spring semester until completion for a minimum of six hours. If students do not maintain continuous registration in the master’s project or thesis, previously accumulated master’s option credits will not count toward the master’s degree.

Option 1

The Master’s Degree Option 1 requires a minimum of 36 graduate semester hours including six hours of master’s thesis research and, at the discretion of the thesis adviser, an oral defense of the thesis.

For the successful completion of master’s degree Option 1, the Master’s Thesis, students are expected to complete an original, extensive work of historical scholarship based on intensive research using primary source documents. The thesis must enhance understanding of a defined sub-field of History. Faculty approval for this capstone option is required.

Option 2

The Master’s Degree Option 2 requires a minimum of 36 graduate semester hours including six hours of master’s project research and, at the discretion of the project adviser, an oral examination upon completion of the project.

To complete master’s degree Option 2, the Master’s Project, students are expected to make contributions to the collection and organization of useful and important historical materials for an archive, library, historical society, or museum. Faculty approval for this capstone option is required.

Option 3

The Master’s Degree Option 3 requires a minimum of 36 graduate semester hours of coursework plus a written comprehensive examination in the final semester of coursework. Students register for the zero credit-hour course HIST 6909 under the name of one of the two members of their examination committee. To form the committee, students choose two members of the History faculty prior to their final semester of coursework, contact them to request that they participate, and then obtain their written instructions. Each of the professors will require that the student produce short written critiques of six important books in their field over the course of the semester. This is the default capstone option.